Terence Point

The instrument was corrected obeying some particularitities, of each quadrant, thus being: in the social quadrant, one added 03 positive points for reply in the alternatives: 01, 03, 05, 07 and 10, and point in the alternatives deducted 01: 02, 04, 06, 08 and 09, indicating success if the results will be equal or superior the 09 points; in the affective quadrant, point for positive answers was added 01, being that resulted equal or superior the 08 points they indicate success; in the professional quadrant, point for positive answers in the alternatives was added 01: 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 07 and 09 and point for positive answers in the alternatives deducted 01: 06, 08 and 10, thus equal results the 05 points indicate success; no longer I finish quadrant, the health, it deducted 01 point for positive answers in 01 alternatives 11 and 13 and added point for given positive answers in the excessively alternative ones, of this equal form resulted or above of 09 points they indicate success in this area. It is distinguished that also a fiche with the demographic data of each followed professional of the Term of Free and Clarified Assent was used. Procedures of collection of data The methodology used in this article was the bibliographical research that it served of I assist for the data-collecting and study that already had been made on the cited subject. As well as also a research of field of quantitative form was made, in the Caps/Cisme in a city in the interior of Gois, with 03 (three) professional ones of the area of the psychology of the feminine sex. Being thus Filho and Terence (2011) it says that the accepted quantitative research to mensurar opinions, reactions and habits and attitudes through a represented sample statistical. Moreover, the authors cite the main characteristics gifts in this type of research: he corresponds to a preset plan, with objective to enumerate or to survey events; he uses the theory to develop hypotheses and the 0 variable; he analyzes the relations between the 0 variable for experimental or half-experimental, controlled techniques for severity; he confirms the hypotheses or discovered by deductions; they use data that represent a population specify (sample); he uses yourself of structuralized, elaborated with closed questions, answered questionnaires in individual interviews, as instrument for the collection of data.