Of these, 800 a thousand, commit suicide. In Brazil a estimate is had that at least 13 million people presents picture that it indicates to the depression. Without a doubt they are given alarming and destarte, is had that to have a bigger concern of the government in relation to the subject. Not less important, it is the carried through diagnosis to mention itself to the psicopatologia. The majority of the health professionals, without counting the neighbors, professors, manicures, hairdressers, mechanics, priests, shepherds, nuns, salesmen of picol, bank clerks, our parents, believes to fully know to diagnosis to such of the illness. A banal act became, when a person is chorosa, to say that it has DEPRESSION.

I affirm this fact for already having heard of some professionals of health and other mentioned above instances, that do not have formation in mental health, dangerous pearls, nonsenses and errors. It is arrived the point, of the patient already to come to look for to me, with the diagnosis of someone (a) who although to work a particular clinic, rank of health or hospital, he is alhures to understand in fact the relations psychic. This psicopatologia still can be the fundamental deep problem of or symptom of another problem. It has that if observed if the possible patient it is not only sad. The concern must be had to verify the following aspects: Transfundos of psicopatolgicas experiences, constitutional Vulnerability, predisponent and precipitantes factors beyond the neurovegetativas, ideativas, cognitivas alterations, of autovalorao, volition and psicomotoras before giving names to the oxen. Without counting that the diagnosis and treatment, must always have the participation of a professional of the area of mental health. In the case of the general physicians, when possible, before the lapsing, the psychoanalysts or psychologists would have to direct the patients, for the work in set. One another point related to the diagnosis, is the fact to exist subtypes as: Episode or depressive, distimia, atypical, melancholic, psychotic, agitated, estupor depressive and organic phase.