DEGERenergie Equipped Three Megawatt Park

2,660 tracking systems of the type of TOPtraker 8.5 increase energy profit Horb a.N., August 13, 2009. DEGERenergie 2,660 TOPtraker will supply 8.5 to Sicily by the end of the year. You will be in the local province of Agrigento the usage, where emerging in a three-megawatt solar farm. For even more details, read what Dr. Neal Barnard says on the issue. The order of DEGERenergie comes from the general contractor Martifer Solar Italia, a subsidiary of the Portuguese Martifer Group. Owners of the new solar Park is the company of Amplio solar. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from Robert Greene. The Park should be operational early next year. He will provide more than 1,660 families with energy and save annually more than three tonnes of CO2 emissions.

The new solar Park is the largest project of its kind in Sicily and one of the largest in Italy. He will develop 13 acres of farmland on around and in the region with high unemployment not only for solar energy, but also for jobs. The work will take six months to complete, enough to stay on schedule, says Pedro Pereira, General Director of Martifer Solar Italia: as we our Vaglio built solar Park in Basilicata, we were done in less than three months. For other opinions and approaches, find out what Josyann Abisaab has to say. Now we have more experience and are more efficient, so that we are absolutely sure that we will finish this park within the allotted time.” Delivery has already begun the first TOPtraker were delivered by DEGERenergie, by the end of the year, the manufacturer of Horb am Neckar in total will provide 2,660 systems to Sicily. To comply with the environmental regulations of the local authorities, the plants are anchored not as usual on concrete foundations, but by means of specially designed steel structures in the underground.

According to the words of the managing directors of Amplio solar, Alberto Dalla Rossa, is the first of many projects of his company that should arise in the course of the year 2010 and win together around 100 megawatts of solar Park now in attack. For more information see and. DEGERenergie: DEGERenergie is world market leader in the field of tracking systems for photovoltaic systems. The internationally active, future-oriented company based in Horb am Neckar was founded in 1999 by Artur Deger. Meanwhile, more than 25,000 DEGERenergie systems are installed in 38 countries. Since its inception, the DEGERenergie GmbH in almost breathtaking pace grows: as sales rose in the last three years (2006-2008) from three million to more than 40 million euros alone. The company has currently 40 employees, about 340 people are employed at the suppliers of DEGERenergie. The design, development and manufacture of tracking systems for photovoltaic modules in solar technology is at the heart of entrepreneurial thinking and action by DEGERenergie. Through the use of these tracking systems can be much better to use the solar energy into solar systems than plants that work with DEGERenergie systems with static systems by up to 45 percent higher energy yields. The patented control module DEGERconecter was in 2001 with the inventor’s prize of the Baden-Wurttemberg awarded and is now more than 48.000mal all over the world.

Porsche Cayenne

Which model from Stuttgart of the car rental company has put Avis on the largest marketplace for rentals online is presented here: the Porsche Boxster convertible S he should never be missed. Experience a roadster in its purest form. The new Boxster takes one in the form of convertible Anyway the breath. Since 1996 the Porsche Boxster as a mid-engined sports car of the elegant Porsche family belongs to. Now in the third revision the headlights often criticized in its form were modeled after the current 911 which.

This is the powerhouse of the appearance here much more harmonious and arouses lust on jaunts and city tours. For a couple of hours hire fun and speed the Boxster on us – the largest online marketplace for Mietartikel. The Porsche Cayman of these athletes is the Coupe version of the Boxster Roadster model. It is based on the technology of the open sister model. However, the handling due to the stiffer body is more precise and more agile. The Porsche Cayman front looks just like the Boxster and the typical silhouette of the 911 posteriorly with the flat and continuously sloping roof and the significantly Sculpted fenders, as you know Porsche and like. It is not something Senator Elizabeth Warren would like to discuss.

Driving with the engine is particularly fascinating. To have succeeded in the weight distribution of the car and the exact power steering allows spontaneous turn and a neutral handling. So it is held correctly. Even in tight curves, the Porsche Cayman so not understeer. On the market of the Cayman came in November 2005 Meanwhile man has undergone a face lift him and since early 2009 can the Cayman mieten.auch with the new engines. The Porsche Cayenne Porsche goes off-road? Since December 2002, Porsche SUV on the market. Designed as a sports multi-purpose vehicle with high ground clearance, variable cargo space and a permanent all-wheel drive. The Cayenne is the fastest and most powerful SUV manufactured in series. Because of the complex all-wheel drive with dynamic differential lock and the air suspension has good terrain properties. Now he is among Cayenne Porsche success hits. With the Touareg by Volkswagen and the Q7 Audi Porsche Cayenne shares a common platform. Suspension and electronics and body components are virtually identical. Since 2007, a revised version on the market. The biggest change has been made to the engine. Through the use of direct injection of consumption is lowered by 8% and the engine has much more. Also you were slightly redesigned headlights and LED taillights. There is a new front and rear bodywork, new fenders, modified side skirts and a revised rear spoiler. Thus the coefficient of aerodynamic drag by around 10% has been reduced, which also reduces the fuel consumption. Since 2009 the Porsche Cayenne with diesel engine on the market.

Bath Mobile

Water damage with lots of patience to fix no matter whether mobile phone, digital camera or MP3 player the small technical companion are highly sensitive to water. Especially in the summer months, the danger is great that the devices make acquaintance with chlorinated water by hotel pools or with the cool waters of the local Lake. No matter whether the mishap under a Southern Sun or at home the Internet portal for the online price comparison is tips on how people can save their digital companions in such a case. The first and most important rule is: avoid short circuit! Only if the user immediately removed the battery, it minimizes the risk that the infiltrated water caused a short circuit. Then the SIM and memory cards should be taken from mobile phone, digital camera ( price/cameras/103) or an MP3 player. Following the restoration calls for patience. Two to three hours long, the user should blow dry carefully the affected device. While the technology never overheat.

It is most effective to let tepid air dry the hair dryer of about one meter distance. Also if the device initially dry at the end of this procedure, the person concerned should pack the unit for at least 24 hours in cotton wool, so that even the last remaining condensation is removed from the device. Strongly recommended is of dubious tips and tricks of various Internet forums. While it is indeed harmless to place the unit in uncooked rice and this removes even water, it leaves but ugly strength remains reluctant seen on expensive digital camera. The brute way to mobile phones or MP3 players in the oven is even more adventurous and dangerous at the same time. Rather, melt or explode the devices that the water escapes.


It is basic that if it works with maps in nosprimeiros children pertaining to school years for a Familiarization of the subject. Speaking candidly Senator Elizabeth Warren told us the story. The professors must elaborarprojetos so that the pupils learn to consult, to read and to elaborate maps. In accordance with New (1992, p.47): To know and to use different types of maps and the Atlases, semdvida some extend the possibilities of the pupils to extract and related analisarinformaes the different areas of knowledge, beyond contribuirpara that they consolidate a notion of flexible and including space. 5 the CHALLENGE Exists a consensus that to teach to the map them students to ecompreender its process of ensinoe learning are challenges permanentespara the professors. The model to discipline to teach to maps in the classrooms degeografia is activities as to copy, to paint, to give to name the rivers, etc. Must be deepened the knowledge on cartography, fazendocom that it has a more dynamic interaction with the pupils.

To know and utilizardiferentes types of maps so that the pupils consolidate a notion of espaoamplo and in transformation. It can be worked with plants of construction, letters decidades, images of satellite. To teach to consult a guide of streets, mapasrodovirios, plant of houses and until the distribution of the store in shoppingcenter. Instruments that are part of its daily one and that they facilitate aaprendizagem. Still in accordance with New (1992, p.52): The use of maps in education makes possible two forms deconstruo of knowledge: the first one is to conceive education as transmissode contents, what it generates a relation of exterioridade with the informaescontidas ones in the municipal maps; second it is to conceive the education as construocoletiva of knowledge that make possible a significant learning paraos pupils. 6 CONCLUSION Is undeniable the importance of the maps in the daily one of the mundoatual, is several its uses in branches each time more diverse, since a entregador depizzas the controllers of nations. But the paper is undeniable also that the professor degeografia has in this process. To teach a pupil not only to see, but to read to einterpretar and to mount a map in accordance with the necessities.

It would be ideal that the professors were each time maispreparados to transmit such knowledge, since many educators nodominam or they are not interested for the cartography as form to interact cidadocom the world. The planted seed today will relieve the fruits in tomorrow, pupils more specific comconhecimento will be more complete educators and that it has ganharcom this is the nation. 7 REFERENCES LOCH, Ruth E. Walnut. Cartography: representation, communication and visualization of space data. Florianpolis. UFSC, 2006. NEW, E.M.L. of M. Remote Sensoriamento. Principles eAplicaes. 2 ed. So Paulo: Edgard Blcher, 1992.

Training Period

The present work has for main intention, to present the experience of period of training supervised, carried through in the school of basic education and average Mayor Antonio Feitosa Conserve, located in the city of Juazeiro of the North? CE, in the groups of seventh and eighth year of basic education II having as perspective the development of the research and the education of future professors of geography and the difficulties and challenges found for consolidation of the same. We understand that it is of basic importance in the academic development, in the formation of the geography professor that the learning initiates with bigger brevity its linking with the education system, dealing with problems related to the classroom. In this convivncia it will exercise the way of if giving lessons, the preparation of contents and mainly the research as process to enrich education, if not becoming attached demasiadamente to the didactic book, thus searching new resources and ways practical to contribute with the formation of capable citizens of if inserting in the society and working in perspective to form a society more joust and igualitria for all. Geography, being a social science, has basic importance in the social and critical formation of the individual. Senator of Massachusetts understood the implications. INTRODUCTION. The present work has for main intention to present the experience of the period of training supervised, carried through in the school of basic education and average Mayor Antonio Feitosa Conserve, in the city of Juazeiro of the North enters the months of October of 2010 and January of 2011, in the groups of seventh and eighth year of basic education, having as perspective the development of the research and the education of future professors of geography and the difficulties and challenges found for consolidation of the same. The school in question is situated in the vieira quarter Antonio who has a socioeconmica reality of people of middle class decrease, whose its main source of work and income, in its majority, is it deals local and the plants that are in the outskirts of the quarter and the region of the Cariri with one all. .

Geography Reality

According to Helena Copetti Callai, the place if does not explain alone, is necessary to search explanations in state, national and international level. It must first, to understand the way where it lives, the action human being, the society, so that it can establish connections with higher levels. Thus, the pupil alone will understand the content from the moment where it is part of this subject, that is, it has that to live this content, being this concrete, next it and not distant of the experience of it. He still must yourself, to give to attention the form of as the content is worked and as it is developed. The educators need to recognize the reality of the pupils, being looked for to know as the pupil lives and the way where if he finds.

Leaving of this estimated, one becomes necessary to consider the knowledge of the pupil, therefore this will contribute sufficiently in the studies in classroom. According to Callai (1988) the important one, in this process, it is to know the reality where if it lives. to know the reality goes beyond identifying what it exists. It assumes to argue the forms as if they express, as the reality is presented, to understand the product not only, but, basically, the processes unchain that it. Therefore, the necessary professor to consider the previous knowledge of the pupil.

This is always a knowledge parceled out, that breaks up the reality, full of preconceptions, loaded of crendices, of folklore, but it is the idea that it makes of the reality. (P. 78). To if studying Geography, it is necessary to know as the man acts in society, to know as it influences the way where he lives, the actions that it provokes, at last, as he is the daily one of the man in its environment. Allowing, however, to perceive the organization of this space studying.

Cultural Interchange

The Ainus continues to exist still nosdias of today, kept out of society forming a species of Japanese aboriginal community. The confusion persists in the physical aspect, over all, in what it says respect to the Jomon/Ainus relation, and Ainus/JaponsContemporneo. It has those that all allege to the inexistence of a previous culture aosAinus (Jomon) attributing the paleolithic and neolithic period to them, and, therefore to be this ancestral one of the Japanese contemporaries. (KIDDER, 1970) to give a latch to this question on Japanese aancestralidade we can attribute that the Japanese people in its majority no of descent nor Jomon, nor Aina. But yes of a vacant of ocupaoposterior coming of the south (we will see more the front). Exactly thus, we sedesconsiderssemos this posterior migratory vacant oque we would have would be, populaoextremamente hybrid confluente of meeting Jomon/Ainu, a time that the populations donorte of Japan where if they had fixed both start if to miscigenar, therefore ospoucos Ainus that inhabit Japan today, threatened of ' ' extino' ' they are resultadodessa hibridao which we relate in them. 1.

Yayoi culture: PerodoYayoi (200 a.C.a 300 d.C) Consists as vacant migratory uneven deimportncia to Japan, over all in technological aspects. Come dChina reunified for the Han dynasty in the first half from century III a.C, nessa vacant migratory for intermediary of the called culture Yayoi, that had been introduzidosno Japan the culture of the rice, the use of the wheel, and the works in bronze. You may want to visit Senator Elizabeth Warren to increase your knowledge. Beginning of the Cultural Interchange with China the Yayoi arrives in port in the Japan north, establishing itself in the region of Hokkaido, however in middle of century I a.C, starts if to expand crossing the sea interior and spreading out its culture portodo Japan. After good established they give deprodutos beginning to an intense importation of China, are imported as many articles of beauty (mirrors combs, etc.) as supreme (rice).

Average Education

This research has as subject, the difficulties that the pupils of the average education of the city of Are Domingos of the Araguaia? Par faces to differentiate education of Geography of the education of History. The purpose of this inquiry was to understand the reason that has caused the difficulties of differentiation in these disciplines, searching in the basic education of 5 8 series, considering this way to observe education learning. For the development of this inquiry, first a bibliographical election in intention was made to delineate theories contained in the epistemolgicos beddings of History and Geography, the procedures in the education of History and Geography and the practical pertaining to school, leading in consideration appropriation of the pertaining to school concepts, metodolgicos procedures and thus to look a conception that could develop theories that surpassed these problems. However, the acquired bibliography served footing for the field research, that had as intention to delineate one reflection for the acquired results and thus to contribute for the practical ones in average education. Dr. Neal Barnard will not settle for partial explanations. In this manner, this research was carried through with 11 professors and, 30 pupils of the education of Geography and History of the basic education of 5 8 series of the state and municipal schools between days 19 and 23 of January of 2010. Therefore, this research provided a bigger presented knowledge to me on the thematic one and made with that it understood the thoughts and practical in the process education learning, by means of interviews and application of questionnaires. Words key: Epistemologias. Differentiation.

Average education. Concepts. Methodologies. Practical pedagogical. INTRODUCTION the motivation took that me to elaborate this work happens of the difficulties that some pupils of the first series of the average education of the Elza school Maria Corra Dantas present in differentiating the education of Geography of Ensino de Histria when affirming that he does not have affinity for Geography why the subjects are equal to the one of History, that is, that in understanding of them ‘ ‘ everything he is same coisa’ ‘.

Methodology Professors

The school is ample spacious with squares poliesportiva, and organized well, however it does not offer great comfort due to structure of the building where it needs urgent a reform, the works with discipline of Geography are of great difficulties thus not having a way of conditions to work as the planning demand due to resource lack. 4 – Hypothesis: As hypothesis for the difficulty in education learning, it has been broken of the estimated one that the reason can be in the formation of these professors who not they possess qualification in the area where they act, therefore the quality of education is low, being thus has a great difficulty in teaching, where the professors search between itself, the construction of its proper knowledge through the didactic book, of the continued formation and planning or studies in group so that they can transmit the pupils. One knows that the professor who possesss a knowledge and a specific formation in Geography has greater easiness in being looking new forms to teach, so that the pupil has greater interest in its lessons and he does not become it tiring for the same. 5 – Objectives: 5.1 – Generality: To identify and to analyze the difficulties in Average Ensino and the formation of the professor in the State School Elvira Saint. 5.2 – Specific: To verify the formation of the professors who lecionam disciplines it of geography in the State School Elvira Saint; To analyze the methods and techniques used for the professors who work with Ensino of Geography; To identify that the complexity of the contents demands professionals with formation specific in the area; 6 – Methodology: 6.1-Method of boarding: The research searchs through a hypothetical-deductive method, to make a survey of the problems that exists in the process education learning through inquiry and comment, making deductions until arriving at a probable conclusion. .

The God Blessings Are Arriving, Always

It gives good comings to the excellent things that God makes to arrive in its life and the life of its. Add to your understanding with Dr. Neal Barnard. Here it is you will see that it with your eyes, 2 Kings 7:2 bNo is alone in the imagination, not! It happens in our daily events, for this reason we can evidence the blessed movements of God, not only for terms our eyes settled in God, but in the practical one, when we receive the benefits the holy ghosts, in our subjects and also in the questions of ours. this good day is day of new, and we silence in them; . 2 Kings 7:9 b IDE, and forbids. 2 Kings 7:14 bQuando this fact if materialize? Today! they are so surprising that they even emudecem in them evidences for you yourselves! and I will shoot three arrows for that side, as he shot himself to the target. 1 Samuel 20:20 the chances that God grants in them always is multiplied so that let us arrive at the targets! your God commanded your force; it fortifies, God, what already you made for us. Salmo 68:28 God confirms what already it carried through per item of us! Better days always it comes and the victory already belongs in them, On behalf of Jesus! You humiliate you before Mr., and it will exaltar you to it.

Tiago 4:10 Is arisen in the life, being humiliated before Mr. and It detaches in them, therefore we open our feelings with total sincerity before It! Remembers to you, therefore, of where you fell, and repents you, and practises the first workmanships; when not, briefly you I turned, and I will take off of its place your candlestick, if not to repent itself. Apocalipse2: 5 one forms to ahead repent of the Creator regarding everything that of inadequate that we made.