Eating Habits

If you heard the phrase ” each person is a reflection than come” you will know that it is very important to have a sensible feeding since this one will, consequently, influence in our mind and our body and in our personality. We must to learn to combine our foods, so that we enjoy them, at the same time as we obtain a well-being that repels in all our life, physical as as much psychic. There are some suggestions here: 1. Fresh foods Consume fresh foods and of time or station. 2. Food preparation Consumes foods preparations, preferably in house, and an pleasant and relaxed atmosphere. The energy and the feeling whereupon you accompany the preparation and consumption of foods will repel in your organism. 3.

Balanced diet Balances your diet of the following way: 30% of whole grains, 15% of leguminous (like the kidney beans, chick-peas, lentils, etc.), 25% of cooked fresh vegetables, 10% of proteins, seeds and nuts, 10% of fruits and 10% of salads. 4. Chemical decontamination Once a month you do day of chemical decontamination consuming only fresh vegetable soup, fruit and/or juice of natural fruits. 5. Cycle of cleaning Between the 6 and the 10 in the morning, your body is in the cycle of cleaning; so he is better to consume foods than attend this process as they are it the fruits and the tea of grass; for very active people he is recommendable to consume hot integral cereal. 6. Digestive fire Your digestive fire is stronger between 10 and 14 hs., for that reason this it is the best moment for a complete and satisfactory food.

7. Digestive calm After the 19 hs. your digestive fire calms, reason why he is recommendable not to eat behind schedule. 8. To chew foods Chews your food with calm completely and; you do not swallow whole foods. 9. Fat fats Something in your diet is very important; especially to maintain the health of the nervous system and like stabilizer of the moods. 10. Fruits Consume fruits and single juices of fruit, without combining them with other foods. The fruit must be mature and sweet, never bitter. 11. Salads the small salads are good to accompany a complete food. It deals with not eating a great salad like unique food. 12. Nuts and seeds the nuts and the seeds must be consumed in small or moderate amounts; for example, a small handful as it has tea or like part of the food. 13. Drinks All the lukewarm drinks must be consumed to room temperature or. Never cold. It drinks much water; the tea of grass is good by its digestive and medicinal properties. You do not take much water with the meals, this debilitates the digestion. 14. Reheated foods Avoid the cooked foods the previous day. The cooked, frisados and reheated foods in the microwaves lose part of their nutrients. 15. To eat in restaurants Avoids restaurants more than you can. Generally, the used ingredients and the techniques of preparation of foods cause that the meals are more difficult to digest. 16. Excess of meals Avoids to eat in excess, to eat very fast and/or to eat the television in front of. Also, it tries to eat shortly before sleeping (your last food must at least be 3 hours before irte to the bed). A good food helps a to have good day, to maintain the mood and to rest well. We encouraged to you to most of put in practice the shared suggestions.


Permanent whistle, water humming, noise, loss of concentration and balance. These are only some of the symptoms that declare who suffer acfenos. Beyond the visit strictly speaking to the otorrinolaringlogo to realise the corresponding studies and to be able to find the treatment that better adapts the patient, the alternative medicines also present/display solutions for those who suffer this disease. One of that it has worked with more success is acupuncture. Acupuncture is a millenarian traditional medicine technique China, that tries to recover the health of the patient and to palliate the pains, through the insertion of needles in certain specific points of the body.

Acupuncture nonspeech of individual organs, thinks but them like part of a whole, and the ears are not the exception. Acupuncture for acfenos considers that the ears are the place of confluence of all the meridians and therefore, are related directly with other organs of the body like the heart, the liver, vesicle, the spleen and the kidneys. Acupuncture for acfenos also divides to the patients in two types. Those that present/display the chronic disease of a sudden and unexpected way, and cases. For first, having better capacities to restore forces and assets and control damage and shorter treatments. In the chronic cases, a wearing down of the organs is generated that causes that the treatment is longer and the recovery perspective will vary according to the degree of answer of each patient.

This way, acupuncture for acfenos uses the insertion of needles to improve the circulation of blood and the operation of the organs. These insertions are realised not only in the local points (around the ears) but also in the distales points: back, thorax, hands and feet. Acupuncture is a treatment that generates lightening in the ailments of those who suffer of acfenos. And also it can do it by you. There is a well-known method little but very effective that is guaranteed to cause that the acfenos disappear it stops always. If you want to read as I personally managed accidentally to eliminate the acfenos, you do Click Here.

Detailed Analysis By Gas Chromatography

Gas chromatography is a widely used analytical method for determining the components of mixtures. It is used in the medical field, where food chemistry, biology, forensics and environmental analysis. The operation of gas chromatograph based on the fact that a small quantity of the substance to be tested is mixed with a carrier substance is. This carrier is referred to as “mobile phase”, for use in gas chromatography are inert gases (gases which are very lazy and it is difficult to chemical reactions) are involved with good flow properties. The most commonly used gas is nitrogen, but also hydrogen and helium can be used in gas chromatography as a carrier. This mixture is then fed through a tube that is designated as a column or analytical column. Depending on the application different columns are used, which vary in diameter and length. The column consists of either metal or lined with polyimide quartz, this material is considered as “stationary phase”known. The separation column is mounted in the GC oven, serves to temper the precise column. The temperature is either held constant or controlled increased to achieve a rapid separation of the substance to be analyzed into their various components. The working principle of gas chromatography based on the fact that every substance has a characteristic evaporation in the column. One of the separation column after switched detector records the agents who have left the substance to be tested already. The detector signal, which is also known as “peak”. Each peak corresponds to a particular substance, the recorded substances can then be assigned to known substances. The analysis of the peaks is now made mostly from a computer with appropriate software.

Secretary for Finance,

Secretary for Finance, Government of Mexico September 15, 2005, when Enrique Pe a Nieto was sworn in as governor of the State of Mexico, Luis Videgaray joined his cabinet as Secretary of Finance, Planning and Administration, a position he held for nearly four years. In his own words, the three pillars of his administration were “greater investment capacity to generate more resources, strong finances and management modernization. During his period in charge of the Ministry of Finance of the State Government of Mexico, important measures were implemented to fiscal discipline and public sector modernization. During his term cr rating was upgraded was obtained for the first time in the history of the institution investment grade. The state’s own revenues increased over 150 without raising taxes. This was possible by expanding the tax base and making the process more efficient tax collection.It also refinanced debt by 25 billion pesos to 25 years with a rate 30 lower. This transaction was recognized “Deal of the Year” by Latin Finance magazine. Similarly, developed one of the most comprehensive legal frameworks of the country on projects to provide services and executed the first state projects under this scheme in the country.


Extreme consumption of stimulants (amphetamines, tricclicos, etc.) In the gestation? Daily pay? Severe Hipertenso Picture 3? Situations that simulate hipertensiva crisis? Ventricular insufficience left acute? Uremia of any etiology, particularly with volume overload? Ischemic enceflico vascular accident? Cerebral tumor? Craniano trauma? Epistaxes (after-ictal)? Illnesses of the colgeno particularly lpus, with cerebral vasculite? Encefalite? Ingestion of drugs (cocaine), fenilclidina? Acute intermittent Porfiria? Hipercalcemia? Acute anxiety with hyperventilation and syndrome of the panic Many times, the simple repetition of the measurements finds values gradually lesser, explained for the regression to the average and the syndrome of the apron branco18, 19. Initial history and the examination physicist must quickly differentiate urgency emergency. So soon either confirmed or suspected the emergency diagnosis, he has necessity of if making a cardiac monitoramento in the patient, as well as a way for venoso access. Hospital internment must be provided, of preference in unit of intensive cares and moderate the light adrenrgicas crises/? Syndrome of rebote (abrupt suspension and inhibitors 457 ivos, while the therapeutical one of attack is initiated. In the majority of the cases the treatment does not have to be delayed in the direction of if waiting the results of the laboratoriais examinations.

The data gotten in the history and the physical examination of the patient search to identify the causes that had precipitated the pressrica rise, evidences of injury of agency-target caused for the severe pressure or both. The doctor must get information on the former history of hipertenso how much to the duration, the severity and the level of control; extension of the damage of previous agency; medication prescribed for doctor or acquired directly in the balcony without medical prescription and eventual use of considered drugs illicit; related to the severe rise of the Par. Beyond the mensurao of the Par in the supina or seated positions and foot, to evidence the presence of postural hipotenso, the examination must be directed to evaluate the comprometimento of the main targets reached for the hipertenso as kidneys, brain and heart..


Of these, 800 a thousand, commit suicide. In Brazil a estimate is had that at least 13 million people presents picture that it indicates to the depression. Without a doubt they are given alarming and destarte, is had that to have a bigger concern of the government in relation to the subject. Not less important, it is the carried through diagnosis to mention itself to the psicopatologia. The majority of the health professionals, without counting the neighbors, professors, manicures, hairdressers, mechanics, priests, shepherds, nuns, salesmen of picol, bank clerks, our parents, believes to fully know to diagnosis to such of the illness. A banal act became, when a person is chorosa, to say that it has DEPRESSION.

I affirm this fact for already having heard of some professionals of health and other mentioned above instances, that do not have formation in mental health, dangerous pearls, nonsenses and errors. It is arrived the point, of the patient already to come to look for to me, with the diagnosis of someone (a) who although to work a particular clinic, rank of health or hospital, he is alhures to understand in fact the relations psychic. This psicopatologia still can be the fundamental deep problem of or symptom of another problem. It has that if observed if the possible patient it is not only sad. The concern must be had to verify the following aspects: Transfundos of psicopatolgicas experiences, constitutional Vulnerability, predisponent and precipitantes factors beyond the neurovegetativas, ideativas, cognitivas alterations, of autovalorao, volition and psicomotoras before giving names to the oxen. Without counting that the diagnosis and treatment, must always have the participation of a professional of the area of mental health. In the case of the general physicians, when possible, before the lapsing, the psychoanalysts or psychologists would have to direct the patients, for the work in set. One another point related to the diagnosis, is the fact to exist subtypes as: Episode or depressive, distimia, atypical, melancholic, psychotic, agitated, estupor depressive and organic phase.

Mount Moriah

Responds sister, are willing to deliver. Those willing to surrender to the Lord. You see that you have to cross over the Jordan? That time has come to put you to Mount Moriah Abraham said Yes … l a believed their God and no matter the pain went … And us? What is our attitude to life, the challenges and tests? God tests us, God wants us to know that along with a l anything is possible.

Atout! Or can not remember when Paul said: I can do everything through Christ who strengthens me. Or you forgot: My yoke is easy and my burden is light, or; Be still before God and wait a l. The spirit of God is with you and lives within you. Do you know love? Let him do his job today. Not tomorrow, let's say this giant, who is with us, who saved our lives, who gives us breath test. Sometimes the Lord asks of us what seems impossible.

I know, I've lived in the flesh … It is sometimes a long wait, it is unreadable and there are long spaces of silence … Have you ever wondered what more you love … who is your special love? Christ wants and needs be the first from it the rest is added. Do not think about the consequences and the end result of this test, no. Let it be God to show us the way and the path to follow. Do not like the rich young man, not half live Christian lives, lives that Christ is incomplete without the center.

Lip Care

Beautiful lips – one of the best jewelry person. Therefore, you should be especially careful to follow them. During the day it is recommended to lubricate the lips colorless hygienic lipstick. If you used a decorative lipsticks, it should be fat. In the evening lips are cleansed – the remaining lipstick is removed with a cotton swab dipped in vegetable oil.

Then applied to rich cream. When applying the cream lightly massaged her lips. The cream is applied to the second and third his right hand a light circular motion around the mouth, then thumb and forefinger and index fingers of both hands, smeared with cream, upper lip is captured through the entire thickness, including the vermillion border (the index finger placed at the top of a large), produced slightly pressed down, press and movement, Pincher lip to the teeth from the lips of its corners. Also massaged his lower lip. Massage prevents the formation of vertical wrinkles around the mouth that appear on the upper lip. Everyone who often licks his lips, they expose to the wind especially in the winter, crack or become rough.

This habit must be unlearned. Try to lubricate lip bitter taste means: aloe, a one percent sintomitsinovoy emulsion. To soften the lips are used as vegetable oils (olive, corn, peach). Heated oil moistened piece of cotton wool, which is clamped between his lips, and hold for 15-20 minutes. The dark hairs on her upper lip negate the beauty of your mouth. They become invisible if they cover a special cream. Since the skin of lips is very sensitive, you should check it will take this cream. Apply a few spots on the elbow. If the skin does not turn red and starts to itch, then you can safely use the cream. You can also use a special cream for hair removal. In either case, Protect lips with a fat cream. Both procedures can be repeated in 1 – 2 weeks (as soon as the hair grows back). Get rid of the hair can only be in a beauty salon. Removing lipstick before going to bed should be removed lipstick. This is not a simple procedure, as it may seem. Many lipsticks have high stability (that is, for this property, we value them), their constituent pigments embedded in the lining of the lips. Therefore, such substances must be carefully removed, and then follow the procedure for the care of his lips to the next morning they were fresh and they can be easily and beautifully put lipstick. Not recommended to remove the lipstick from his lips with water and soap, as the mucous membrane of the lips is very delicate and has a soap it dries action. Penetrating into the pores of the mucous membrane of lip stain can be removed only with fat-containing means.

Rock Layer

If the rock garden is located on a slope permeable soil, the drainage is not required. Otherwise, after the clearing of land for a rock garden it is covered with a layer of rubble or gravel layer of 10 cm, it poured a layer of coarse sand 5 cm, and the top layer soil without fertilizers (a mixture of bog land with the addition of sand, peat and humus). Pre-mark the paths and steps of the smaller flat stones for the care of the rock garden, plan for different lighting zones (open sun, partial shade, shadow) by the device 'valleys', 'tops', 'breaks', 'Plateau', 'terraces', 'rocks', 'Gorges' to meet the requirements of various plants. After planning to start placing stones (following the precaution, in leather gloves and sturdy shoes, rolling stones on the board along the path of the round sticks). Starting with the foot and going to the top of the gangway of planks, digging a hole (above the surface to be located half or less of the stone) and put a stone at her with a crowbar (placing layers of flat stones), pour a foundation of stone rubble and soil. Tightly rams log ground – a stone should not wobble, carefully fall asleep clay-soil turf all the voids. When laying the stones avoid geometric harmony, put them randomly, simulates mountain landscape. Planting can begin when the ground settles, after zaravnivaniya empty seats and grooves formed after the deposition. Placing plants in the alpine in rockeries can be placed not only Alpine plants, and prairie, desert, forest, meadow – if only to harmonize with gorkasozdanny alpine landscape, complementing and emphasizing the beauty of each other, making rockeries elegant year round.

Bladder Times

Strawberry timber (leaf) – 20 g, knot-grass (grass) – 40 g, corn silk – 20 g cinnamon rose -20, the Take 1 / 2 cup of warm infusion 3 times a day with urolithiasis. Birch (leaf) – 20 g rest-harrow field (roots) – 20 g, Juniperus (fruit) – 20 g, celandine (grass) – 20 g, erect cinquefoil (grass) – 20 g. Take 1 cup of infusion in the form of heat at night with stones in the bladder and ureters. Cowberry pine (leaf) – 20 g, bearberry (leaf) – 50 g, kidney tea (herb) – 30 g. Use of 1/3-1/4 cup of broth 3-4 times a day as a diuretic. Juniperus (berries) – 40 g, horsetail (herb) – 40 g, couch (Rhizome) – 20 g.

Take 1 tablespoon of broth 3-4 times daily before meals as a diuretic. . Cornflower blue (flowers) – 10 g, bearberry – 20 g parsley (fruit) – 10 g, white birch (kidneys) – 10 g, watch a three-sheeted (Leaf) – 40 g, elfwort (roots) – 10 g. Take 1 / 2 cup of broth to 3 times a day for 15 minutes before a meal as a diuretic. Anise ordinary (fruit) – 10 g parsley Ogorodnaya (grass) – 20 g, shepherd's purse (herb) – 10 g, juniper ordinary (fruit) – 15 g, bearberry (leaf) – 15 g rest-harrow field (root) – 15 g, dandelion (root) – '15 Prepare a decoction of 10 grams of the collection. Take 1/2-1/3 cup in the form of heat 2-3 times a day for diseases urinary system.