Kidney Transplantation

One of the most common transplants in United States operations are kidney transplants. Mexico already has been becoming leader in medicine, because it counts with medical certificates and highly capable of performing any type of surgical procedure. Kidney transplantation is practiced with success in Mexico. To achieve a kidney transplant is needed a donor with a healthy kidney. One healthy kidney can come from different people: a family living as parents, siblings or children, a donor who is not family, and up from a donor who has died recently; for this you have to do studies to know if your kidney is healthy.

At the time of the transplant, the kidney is transported in cold water with saline solution, which preserves the organ and cannot do so up to 48 hours, thus giving time to the doctor to make donador-paciente compatibility testing. A kidney transplant may be the only option for a patient with terminal kidney disease, but can not be done in all cases because it is not recommended in the following situations: when the patient has certain infections such as TB or osteomyelitis if the patient has difficulty taking medications several times a day, for the rest of his life. History of cancer if the patient has hepatitis if a patient has heart disease or neuropathy among other complications come with your doctor to find out if you are a candidate for this surgery and if so, change your life.


Tell a wonderful story. Once I go out of the institute on the main street. A few words about myself. I am a girl slim, nice finish college. I live with my mother, my mother is an accountant in a construction firm. In general, zheiznyu normal. So, I go down the street and coming towards me is middle-aged woman is so happy and smiling.

Comes closer stops and asks what's up at the institute, how are you my mother? And I look at it and did not understand. Before me stands a modern, beautiful young woman and asks questions as if we are familiar with. Intellectually I understand that this is probably my mom with a familiar, but I can not find out. Automatically respond to her questions, and try to remember who it. The person is young, well-groomed skin, no wrinkles, eyes shining and comes from all kind of self-confidence, her whole appearance radiates health and energy.

And suddenly I was struck by a shock. Yes this is Aunt Tanya, my mother's friend, and together they I studied in college. I like this: "Tanya's aunt, is that you can not believe that the metamorphosis has happened to you? We have not seen all year, and you become younger as 10 years. "" "Genia, all the way – says Aunt Tanya – I really changed over the last year, I'm young again! I like this: "Tanya's aunt, and what chip? Compared with the Mama You're just a young virgin, just super. " It is this: "Genia, the secret is that I was advised Photostim unique product. For a year I took two courses of the drug and this is the result before you. Besides the obvious cosmetic effect considerably strengthened and health, many were sore, I feel fine, energy to spare. " The drug acts on cellular level and is very effective, especially in terms of "female" disease (see details on). Arriving home, told my mother about the meeting with Aunt Tanya. Word for word and thought and what mom is worse? Bought Photostim, my mother also took two courses. A year passed. The result exceeded all expectations. Cosmetic effect of a stunning, 10 years is gone, wrinkles smoothed out. Mom says it's not the drug, and the surgeon without a scalpel. And my mother said that the transport and work began to catch on itself looks very interesting, even men. That's a remarkable story. A product can be ordered at Photostim or. Art. Consultant Eugene

Diets To Lose Weight Or Burn Fat

In these days has been the imperative of maintaining a healthy, slender and athletic body. For this, many men and women have been subjected to strict diets to lose weight or burn fat that promise to bring down many pounds in a short time, without health care. When we go to our bodies undergo a dietary change must think it is a change of life, therefore, we must prepare ourselves psychologically to make this change successful and long lasting, this change must be in for life. We must not despair, since the weight loss process can last a few months and there are no diets to lose weight or burn fat that are magical, as some say there. Weight loss means to adopt a new mode of life, to: make our hormones work correctly increase our endorphins sleep better lower our levels of anxiety reduce stress increase our energy this translates into increase our self-esteem to feel good every day.

Who hasn’t done a diet to lose weight that we feel bad, without power, wanting of eat us the world?, that’s what precisely we want to avoid with this new change. We must start as I said earlier, changing our psyche, focusing on positive thoughts, you stand up front of the mirror and say: if I can, I will achieve, and it comes to visualize your body at the end of the road, should not think that we perform diets to lose weight or burn fat, but in a new way of life. We must then discard those foods that are in our pantry and refrigerator which have led us to fatten, such as sugars, processed foods high in fat, biscuits, cakes, etc. And begin to acquire healthy foods such as fruits, proteins, dairy low in fat, carbohydrates high in fiber, vegetables, legumes, are going to leave these low-calorie meals for any occasion such as a birthday, meeting, etc. The breakfast is very important since we are going to provide the energy that we need on the day, we must include our carbs and much protein, as for example, a sandwich, toast or any Another carbohydrate that you like with ham, cheese, eggs or tuna. Carbohydrate is going to decrease the anxiety at night and protein makes us feel satiety, breakfast should eat until more than satisfied. For lunch and dinner we must include protein, vegetables and salads, none of carbohydrates.

We must take 2 snacks, one at mid-morning and a half late, or if you prefer, one in the afternoon and another at night after dinner; These snacks include: dried fruit, yogurt and low-fat cheese, gelatine and sugar-free puddings, chocolate without sugar. We must change the sugar in our food and drinks by sugar substitutes such as splenda, stevia, maltitol etc. If we want to lose weight more quickly should avoid simple carbohydrates, sugars, saturated fats, when we get to the desired weight you can’t begin to include these foods 1 or 2 times a week. In addition to diets to lose weight or burn fat we must include in our daily routine cardiovascular and high resistance exercises intensity, at least 20 minutes a day, going to speed up our metabolism and produce us sense of well-being by the released endorphins which will allow to reach our desired without sagging weight. Original author and source of the article.

British Medical Association

The answer is a resounding Yes, as it has been demonstrated conclusively through extensive studies throughout the world and by independent councils, health that offers a vegetarian diet is much healthier which includes meat and animal products. This is true for all ages and the different types of vegetarians, from children to adults, and includes pregnant and lactating women. Studies have found a direct statistical correlation between the consumption of meat and vegetarianism and as these foods increase the health benefits or how decrease it. The likelihood of developing chronic diseases, such as hypertension, diabetes, coronary heart disease, obesity, kidney disease, osteoporosis and cancer, is greatly reduced between vegetarians and vegans up to forty percent. Along with these statistics and favorable news, the possibilities of extending the years of life can increase significantly. Due to these benefits, health insurance companies usually offer discounted rates to the vegetarians and vegans.

For decades, the idea that a vegetarian diet lacked protein basic to healthy eating was common. As more information has come to light about the benefits of being vegetarian, the misconception of the public has changed. It is already clear that vegetarians can get enough proteins. Not only it is easy to have a balanced diet, if not that the idea that this requires a special effort if you are vegetarian or vegan is very exaggerated. The concern appears when the diet is limited to a few foods, as it is the case in many countries of the third world where rice, for example, is the staple food. In industrialized countries, however, where people eat a variety of foods every day, eat too much protein causes the same effects as eating very little, even for vegetarians and vegans. The British Medical Association (BMA) was the first institution to shed light on the many benefits of a vegetarian diet in a report in 1986.

About the based on a large volume of research, it was concluded that not only vegetarians tend to have a cholesterol lower, also significantly reduces cases of coronary heart disease, obesity, high blood pressure, certain types of cancer, gallstones, and large bowel disorders. The World Health Organization (who) offered their own findings on vegetarian diets and vegan in a 1991 report. WHO not only confirmed the results of the BMA if not that also found that diets rich in meat and dairy products promote diseases such as osteoporosis or low bone density and renal failure. The report openly criticized governments that promote the meat and dairy products as the necessary nutrients and bases food, urging policies more vegetarian based on the vegetarian food pyramid and relegate to the animal to the condition of optional products. The positive results of vegan and vegetarian diets have also been reported by the Association dietary Americana (ADA), which is among the list of its major protectors. The ADA is one of the most respected tables worldwide in advising dieteticvo. For more than two decades, the international medical evidence has supported vegetarian diets and vegan, which have been increasing overwhelmingly, and their originals are not discussed at today and real benefits. Original author and source of the article

Sacred Liturgy

The mercy or popular devotion is born in the bulge of this desire weaves of them in revealing its louvor and love the Virgin Mother of God and Ours. II Iniciemos our reflection taking the following Biblical ticket: ' ' While Jesus thus spoke, a woman raised of the multitude and said: Happy the womb brought that you and the seios that you amamentaram' ' (Lc 11, 27). This expression sprouted of a simple woman who was present in way of multitude. It is the manifestation of louvor that demonstrates espontaneidade, and is not, therefore, fruit of a calculated meditation demoradamente. It is, we would say, a simple immediate impulse e, in certain innocent way. It is in direction last expression of popular mercy. Let us see the following definition: ' ' Popular mercy is the way for which the Christianity if incarnates in the diverse cultures and if manifest in the life of the people.

It is treated, therefore of different cultural manifestations of private or communitarian character, that in the scope of the Christian faith if states not with the elements of the Sacred Liturgy, but through the peculiar forms, that they are born 0f the sort the people, of its etnia or cultura' ' (KRIEGER, 2005, P. 6). That is, the popular mercy has its cradle in the contact of the Church with the most varied cultures. Some not well informed people, or badly formed (we are attemped in saying, ' ' deformadas' '), they assume that the Church ' ' it does not see with good olhos' ' the popular mercy. This, absolutely, not it is truth! What the Church? how Mother who is? if she worries is with the education of its children. The basic principle for the education of the people, in what it refers to the popular devotion, if establishes in the following terms: The popular cult to the Virgin (as well as the too much saints), must take the fidiciary office to look at for God, to adore it e, at the same time, to awake the conscience of the love and the service to the next one.

Guided Tours Of Europe

ITBC-Tour operator for Europe, Hungary, tour bus to the Czech Republic, Hungary, Austria, Hungary, Hungary, Czech Republic 5 * hotel, guided tours Austria tours Prague, treatment, Austria, Czech Republic Prague Vienna Budapest, Austria Travel agencies and tour operator. Reservation on-Line, Austria, children's camps, Austria, Czech Republic congresses, seminars, Czech Republic, Hungary golf, recreation, Hungary, Austria tourism, alpine skiing, Hungary, European Tours, Prague, Vienna, Budapest, hotels, tours ITBC – European Tour Operator, European tours . Offers tours, excursions, accommodation in hotels, resorts, online booking, transport services, and contact details. Prague, Vienna, Budapest, Munich, Dresden, Bratislava Schonbrunn area, Schonbrunn Palace Apothecary's Court: 14.07.2010 to 14.08.2010, 19:30-22:30. Dramma giocoso in two acts by Lorenzo Da Ponte, music by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791) 'Cosi fan tutte' puts some of Mozart's most glorious music to the comic, but also poignant story of two pairs of young lovers whose fidelity is tested by a cynical philosopher and a wily maid. All's well that ends well. Or, at least, so it seems. Within the walls of the palace one of the most atmospheric courtyards is the Apothekerhof ('Apothecary's Court'), which provides a wonderfully intimate setting for musical performances in the summer.

Dates 14.7. – 14.8.2010 each Wednesday, Friday and Saturday at 7.30 pm You can visit Vienna and Schonbrunn Palace during our escorted European tour ek1 Prague Vienna Budapest during your stay in Vienna (Vienna, Austria, Europe), or traveling through our route tours/314-escorted-tour-prague-vienna-budapest-bratislava-prague '> EK1 Prague Vienna Budapest Bratislava (escorted european Prague Vienna Budapest Bratislava), be sure to visit the museum in the Hofburg Sisi (Hofburg, Sisi Museum). The 1994 Sisi Museum is housed in apartments in the Imperial Palace Stefan. The museum has personal things and objects once owned by Elizabeth. The more than 300 items on display in the museum include parasols, boxes and gloves which once belonged to the anthrophobic Elisabeth, along with her beauty recipes, her death mask and the actual file used in her assassination, which is usually kept securely under lock and key. Further items include a reconstruction of the evening dress worn by 16 year old Sisi in 1854 before she left her home in Munich, and a replica of a section of her imperial railway carriage.

Empress Elisabeth (1837-1898) developed into a beautiful and extravagant woman whom Franz Joseph worshipped his whole life long. The emperor and empress had four children; their first child, Sophie, died at the age of two, their surviving daughters Gisela (1856-1932) and Marie Valerie (1868-1924) both married and had several children, from whom there are numerous descendants. Their only son, Crown Prince Rudolf, born in 1858, took his own life together with that of his mistress, the seventeen-year-old Baroness Mary Vetsera, at his hunting lodge at Mayerling in 1889. His marriage to Stephanie of Belgium had produced a daughter, Elisabeth – known as Erzsi -, who after her divorce from Prince Windisch-Graetz joined the Social Democratic Party and married the socialist Leopold Petznek, going down in Austrian history as the 'Red Archduchess' .

Aguiar Installation

Its work has recognition for the people of the community, for its envolvement in the work with children, young and adolescents. beyond working with the deficient physicists and appearances, through the dance and workshops of musics. It rescues Dana of the Horse Pianc de Amarante. In Oeiras the group of conscience is created black and apns that she searchs to rescue the black culture and valuation of the descending afros, beyond participation in some meeting the state and regional level with objective to fight against the racial discrimination. In Parnaba, with support of Lourdinha, Edivan, Arlete and Irm Salom the group is created Roots that later if identify with the Black Agents of Pastoral. Foot.

Raymond celebrates the mass afro in the shell acoustics of the city, with participation of some groups of capoeira. Carried through the stage in the Square of the history of the European invasion and the black slavery. They had carried through some celebrations, meeting and they establish the group afro of Piracuruca with support of some Leaders of the Pastoral of the child. With support of Golden Joo and Aguiar Installation it is formed in the city of Peaks and New Forest fire, with incentive in the work of Osmarina and family the formation of the leadership coordination quilombola, later is created the nucleus of joint of the Quilombolas of the Piau. Currently they make the Quilombolas Fair of the Piau in the Square Peter II, this fair congregates 1500 more than quilombolas come of all the State of the Piau. In this communitarian work the art has incentive afro and partnership with the MST, to divulge the organic products produced in the nestings and quilombos. The Member of the house of representatives Olavo Rebelo directs the State legislature the law project that creates law 5,046 of 07 of January of 1999. He determines in the Piau, day the 06 of September as State Day of the Black Conscience, in homage the hope Garci’the first slave to write for the authorities being denounced the bad-treatments received for the slaves of the time of the slavery.


In Durkheim, now, we can analyze its concern in treating Sociology? a rising science at that moment? as a worthy science of its name, with its rules, laws, methods, objectives, hypotheses, etc. In this manner, in dialogue with sciences of the nature, Durkheim makes use of concepts as ' ' funo' ' (indicating a physiology) and ' ' estruturas' ' (indicating a morphology), to mention itself to the sociological study. That is, Durkheim sees the society as a whole constituted of its parts, where these responsible for are determined functions. It is an analogy to the human body, in which the brain withholds a main function, but would not live without the heart, the kidneys, the liver, the lung, etc. Is in this direction that if of a construction of the structure of the thought of Durkheim.

However, with this, we can see that it also has a method used for Durkheim here, when making its analysis from functions, inserting them in a bigger structure? the society. To the light of Weber, we have now the concern to delimit a way to act of the citizen of the research with regard to its object, when working with the idea of ' ' neutrality axiolgica' ' ; that is, for Weber, the researcher does not have to insert value judgment some in its study, and to work with the biggest possible objetividade. In this direction, the only moments where the researcher can make use of its subjectivity is in the choice of its objects and its hypotheses, but later systematically proving them and with all the objetividade. In if treating to its methodology, research carried through with agricultural workers in determining moment of sc. XIX, Weber works with 3 silogismos: 1) She is of the nature human being only not to live of bread; 2) The agricultural worker is a human being; 3) The agricultural worker does not only live of bread.


The ferropnica anemia is a condition in which the body lacks red blood cells due to the insufficient supply of iron. The red blood cells are necessary because they transport oxygen by the body and help to eliminate the residues, such as carbon dioxide. The anemia by iron deficiency is the most common form of anemia; some of their causes include the loss of blood, the lack of iron in the diet and the incapacity of the body to absorb the iron. Following the causes, the symptoms of the anemia sometimes can happen unnoticed, as the deficiency becomes more serious, the symptoms also get worse. Some of most common include headache, tire, difficulty to breathe, mareos, irritability, pallor, fragile arrhythmia, nails and itch.

The goad is when an individual has abnormal cravings of nonnutritious materials, such as the ice or the starch. The most common cause of the anemia by iron deficiency is the loss of blood. The women who have lasting menstrual periods can to develop this type of anemia. The pregnancy is another possible cause, because their bodies need majors amounts iron to provide to themselves and to the fetus. Some women who lose blood during the childbirth, also have an anemia risk.

Another one of the common causes of the anemia by iron deficiency that are related to the loss of blood is the internal hemorrhage, if an individual has a chronic loss of blood by an ulcer, a uterine tumor, polyps, cancer or fibromas, can lose much iron in a period of short time. Some people experience gastrointestinal bleeding by the excessive use of aspirina or nonesteroideos medecines antiinflammatories (AINE). The second more common cause of the anemia by iron deficiency is to have a low diet in nutrients, the people who do not consume rich iron foods with regularity have a greater risk to develop the condition, the spinach, the fortified kidney beans and foods contribute to contained iron stops and other essential nutrients for the correct development and operation of the organism. For some people, the anemia by iron deficiency can be caused by the incapacity of the body to absorb the iron, this can happen with certain intestinal upheavals, like the disease of Crohn or the celaca disease, and also usually it happens after an intestinal surgery, some used medecines to diminish the acidity of the stomach, for example, they make difficult the iron absorption. After it has been determined, the anemia by iron deficiency is treatable. If the anemia is caused by an inadequate diet, it can be tried by means of the increase of the ingestion of rich iron foods and taking I supplement of ordinary iron. When the anemia must to the loss of blood caused by an underlying condition, the doctors must tackle the problem cause about bleeding, within the treatment for the women with excess of loss of blood during the period, the oral contraceptives are part of the treatment, for the ulcers, the treatment is based on antibiotics although in some cases it is necessary surgery to extirpate fibromas or polyps.

Health Advice

He accumulates yourself, mainly, in the kidneys, liver and in the bones; provoking rheumatic and milgicas pains, metabolic riots that lead to osteoporose, renal disfuno and cancer; Legislation Due to all the problems caused for the metal presence weighed in the stacks and batteries to the health human being and the environment the National Advice of the Environment? CONAMA, it established the resolution in which regulates manufacture, the responsibility of the manufacturers in the collect and the adequate discarding. Since January of 2001, the manufacture, importation and commercialization of stacks and batteries must start to take care of the limits established for the CONAMA: I – with up to 0,010% in weight of mercury, when they will be of the type zinc-manganese and alkaline-manganese; II – with up to 0,015% in weight of cadmium, when they will be of the types alkaline-manganese and zinc-manganese; III – with up to 0,200% in weight of lead, when they will be of the types alcalinamangans and zinc-manganese. In case that it has the adequacy of the limits established for the CONAMA these materials could be discarded to the garbage domesticate if later they will be deposited in permitted sanitary aterros. However this method not if adapta the Brazilian reality nor so little bahian, since the majority of the residues is placed in deposits ' ' in natura' ' the sky opened without any type of control (lixo). Still in accordance with the Resolution, is forbidden following forms of final destination of stacks and batteries: I – launching ' ' in natura' ' , the opened sky, as much in urban areas as agricultural; II – the open sky or in containers, not adequate installations or equipment burn, as current law; III – launching in bodies d' water, beaches, manguezais, strips of land, wells or cacimbas, underground sockets, in nets of pluvial water draining, sewers, electricity or telephone, exactly that abandoned, or in areas citizens to flooding.