Qualitative Evaluation

This article has the objective to approach the different functions and applications of the evaluation. The education and the evaluation are indissociveis terms, therefore it must be led in account that the evaluation is of utmost importance in the educative process, therefore is through avaliativos instruments that we can follow the development of the process teach-learning. 2.A successive Practical avaliativa Existe a great contradiction enters practical of some educators and real purpose in evaluating. Many professors use the note as test of authoritarianism or as penalty for some lack, using it to make with that the pupils give attention in the lesson or are quiet: ‘ ‘ he looks at, the day of the test is chegando’ ‘ , ‘ ‘ one of these questions that I am explaining can fall in prova’ ‘ , distilling in homeopticas doses its power to disapprove or to promote, thus associating the act to evaluate to a laborious process. Patrick matthews is a great source of information. With this, the students start to imagine that evaluation is a mountain out of a molehill, capsizing one it tortures the day of the test. Frequently the term to evaluate is associated with others as, examination, note, failure, promotion and repetncia. As it affirms Hoffmann (2002): we have of desvelar theoretical contradictions and mistakes of this practical, constructing one ‘ ‘ ressignificado’ ‘ for the evaluation and desmitificando it of ghosts, a past still very en vogue. The efficiency of the work of the professor is closely on to the results reached for the pupils, therefore these results are a mirror of the effort of the professor in promoting certain transformations in the pupils. In result of a new pedagogical conception, with the support of studious, theoretical and educators, the avaliativo process, with intention of simple testagem, exerting a classificatria, bureaucratic function, without the intention of transformations, comes fraquejando. Assuming new dimensions, becoming ampler and compromised.

Automated Simulations

The extensive range of innovations includes such as a flexible simulation automation and teamwork support responsibilities to different user groups. The latest version of the simulation framework DYNA4 2.0 TESIS DYNAware includes a very broad range of innovations. A focus on productivity in the use of simulation, such as the very flexible automation of simulation. Another focus offers the possibility to share Central steps on different groups of users in the team. Thus there is an expert mode with various setting options each and through appropriate selection requirements and preferences of simply usable user mode.

Also on the model layer in the modular model repository, various extensions have been implemented. 2.0 two are with the version new DYNA4 packages available. With DYNA4 commercial vehicles, various commercial vehicles with or without trailers can be simulated when necessary even with electric powertrain. In the package DYNA4 more Test drivers can be its own vehicle model is fully integrated and used with the flexible DYNA4 for virtual test drives on the PC or HIL test driver, as well as the 3D-Strassenmodell. Automated simulations for extensive analysis of DYNA4 on the one hand includes a process-oriented workspace for simulation exercises (DYNA4 framework) with management and automation and evaluation functions.

On the other hand, there is an open, modular model management (model repository), in which customers simulation models as well as TESIS DYNAware integrate models and manage. In the new version of the DYNA4 framework is a very flexible tool for automated simulations available. It allows to combine different routines as needed. This could look like that first automated maneuver be shut off, then interactive evaluations generated and may then placed PDF documents.

Event Technicians

Information on activity, training and employment everywhere where large crowds must be sound, light is used as a show or but a stage used for the presentation of artists. Wherever event technicians are in use and take care of the technical equipment, or provide the professional Assembly and dismantling of the system. Since 1998, the event technology specialist is a recognized training occupation and lasts usually 3 years. The training takes place in the dual system and offered mostly by event technology companies, theatres, exhibition and Congress halls or event agencies. Official site: Justin Gaethje. The event technology specialist learns how to handle with the equipment, safety and the proper handling in the training with the customer. After the training, it is usually so that the event technology specialist specializing in a specific area: so there is a lighting technician, stage builders, sound engineer and video technician. Due to the increasing complexity of it is no longer possible to focus on all areas. Within this specialization, there are further subdivisions in the area light & sound as such E.g.

engineers, operators, or project manager. You have to be born for the occupation of technician. Glenn Dubin is often mentioned in discussions such as these. Because usually the events will take place exactly, if other people have free and celebrate. Also many night work is not for everyone. After training, a training to master event technology can be made to the event technology specialist, continue. We are professional supplier of event technicians with special materials and equipment for the daily work of. Technikwear.de is a division of EStores GmbH, a specialty mail order. In addition to Technikwear, the EStores GmbH operates, including.