Of these, 800 a thousand, commit suicide. In Brazil a estimate is had that at least 13 million people presents picture that it indicates to the depression. Without a doubt they are given alarming and destarte, is had that to have a bigger concern of the government in relation to the subject. Not less important, it is the carried through diagnosis to mention itself to the psicopatologia. The majority of the health professionals, without counting the neighbors, professors, manicures, hairdressers, mechanics, priests, shepherds, nuns, salesmen of picol, bank clerks, our parents, believes to fully know to diagnosis to such of the illness. A banal act became, when a person is chorosa, to say that it has DEPRESSION.

I affirm this fact for already having heard of some professionals of health and other mentioned above instances, that do not have formation in mental health, dangerous pearls, nonsenses and errors. It is arrived the point, of the patient already to come to look for to me, with the diagnosis of someone (a) who although to work a particular clinic, rank of health or hospital, he is alhures to understand in fact the relations psychic. This psicopatologia still can be the fundamental deep problem of or symptom of another problem. It has that if observed if the possible patient it is not only sad. The concern must be had to verify the following aspects: Transfundos of psicopatolgicas experiences, constitutional Vulnerability, predisponent and precipitantes factors beyond the neurovegetativas, ideativas, cognitivas alterations, of autovalorao, volition and psicomotoras before giving names to the oxen. Without counting that the diagnosis and treatment, must always have the participation of a professional of the area of mental health. In the case of the general physicians, when possible, before the lapsing, the psychoanalysts or psychologists would have to direct the patients, for the work in set. One another point related to the diagnosis, is the fact to exist subtypes as: Episode or depressive, distimia, atypical, melancholic, psychotic, agitated, estupor depressive and organic phase.

Mount Moriah

Responds sister, are willing to deliver. Those willing to surrender to the Lord. You see that you have to cross over the Jordan? That time has come to put you to Mount Moriah Abraham said Yes … l a believed their God and no matter the pain went … And us? What is our attitude to life, the challenges and tests? God tests us, God wants us to know that along with a l anything is possible.

Atout! Or can not remember when Paul said: I can do everything through Christ who strengthens me. Or you forgot: My yoke is easy and my burden is light, or; Be still before God and wait a l. The spirit of God is with you and lives within you. Do you know love? Let him do his job today. Not tomorrow, let's say this giant, who is with us, who saved our lives, who gives us breath test. Sometimes the Lord asks of us what seems impossible.

I know, I've lived in the flesh … It is sometimes a long wait, it is unreadable and there are long spaces of silence … Have you ever wondered what more you love … who is your special love? Christ wants and needs be the first from it the rest is added. Do not think about the consequences and the end result of this test, no. Let it be God to show us the way and the path to follow. Do not like the rich young man, not half live Christian lives, lives that Christ is incomplete without the center.

Lip Care

Beautiful lips – one of the best jewelry person. Therefore, you should be especially careful to follow them. During the day it is recommended to lubricate the lips colorless hygienic lipstick. If you used a decorative lipsticks, it should be fat. In the evening lips are cleansed – the remaining lipstick is removed with a cotton swab dipped in vegetable oil.

Then applied to rich cream. When applying the cream lightly massaged her lips. The cream is applied to the second and third his right hand a light circular motion around the mouth, then thumb and forefinger and index fingers of both hands, smeared with cream, upper lip is captured through the entire thickness, including the vermillion border (the index finger placed at the top of a large), produced slightly pressed down, press and movement, Pincher lip to the teeth from the lips of its corners. Also massaged his lower lip. Massage prevents the formation of vertical wrinkles around the mouth that appear on the upper lip. Everyone who often licks his lips, they expose to the wind especially in the winter, crack or become rough.

This habit must be unlearned. Try to lubricate lip bitter taste means: aloe, a one percent sintomitsinovoy emulsion. To soften the lips are used as vegetable oils (olive, corn, peach). Heated oil moistened piece of cotton wool, which is clamped between his lips, and hold for 15-20 minutes. The dark hairs on her upper lip negate the beauty of your mouth. They become invisible if they cover a special cream. Since the skin of lips is very sensitive, you should check it will take this cream. Apply a few spots on the elbow. If the skin does not turn red and starts to itch, then you can safely use the cream. You can also use a special cream for hair removal. In either case, Protect lips with a fat cream. Both procedures can be repeated in 1 – 2 weeks (as soon as the hair grows back). Get rid of the hair can only be in a beauty salon. Removing lipstick before going to bed should be removed lipstick. This is not a simple procedure, as it may seem. Many lipsticks have high stability (that is, for this property, we value them), their constituent pigments embedded in the lining of the lips. Therefore, such substances must be carefully removed, and then follow the procedure for the care of his lips to the next morning they were fresh and they can be easily and beautifully put lipstick. Not recommended to remove the lipstick from his lips with water and soap, as the mucous membrane of the lips is very delicate and has a soap it dries action. Penetrating into the pores of the mucous membrane of lip stain can be removed only with fat-containing means.

Rock Layer

If the rock garden is located on a slope permeable soil, the drainage is not required. Otherwise, after the clearing of land for a rock garden it is covered with a layer of rubble or gravel layer of 10 cm, it poured a layer of coarse sand 5 cm, and the top layer soil without fertilizers (a mixture of bog land with the addition of sand, peat and humus). Pre-mark the paths and steps of the smaller flat stones for the care of the rock garden, plan for different lighting zones (open sun, partial shade, shadow) by the device 'valleys', 'tops', 'breaks', 'Plateau', 'terraces', 'rocks', 'Gorges' to meet the requirements of various plants. After planning to start placing stones (following the precaution, in leather gloves and sturdy shoes, rolling stones on the board along the path of the round sticks). Starting with the foot and going to the top of the gangway of planks, digging a hole (above the surface to be located half or less of the stone) and put a stone at her with a crowbar (placing layers of flat stones), pour a foundation of stone rubble and soil. Tightly rams log ground – a stone should not wobble, carefully fall asleep clay-soil turf all the voids. When laying the stones avoid geometric harmony, put them randomly, simulates mountain landscape. Planting can begin when the ground settles, after zaravnivaniya empty seats and grooves formed after the deposition. Placing plants in the alpine in rockeries can be placed not only Alpine plants, and prairie, desert, forest, meadow – if only to harmonize with gorkasozdanny alpine landscape, complementing and emphasizing the beauty of each other, making rockeries elegant year round.

Bladder Times

Strawberry timber (leaf) – 20 g, knot-grass (grass) – 40 g, corn silk – 20 g cinnamon rose -20, the Take 1 / 2 cup of warm infusion 3 times a day with urolithiasis. Birch (leaf) – 20 g rest-harrow field (roots) – 20 g, Juniperus (fruit) – 20 g, celandine (grass) – 20 g, erect cinquefoil (grass) – 20 g. Take 1 cup of infusion in the form of heat at night with stones in the bladder and ureters. Cowberry pine (leaf) – 20 g, bearberry (leaf) – 50 g, kidney tea (herb) – 30 g. Use of 1/3-1/4 cup of broth 3-4 times a day as a diuretic. Juniperus (berries) – 40 g, horsetail (herb) – 40 g, couch (Rhizome) – 20 g.

Take 1 tablespoon of broth 3-4 times daily before meals as a diuretic. . Cornflower blue (flowers) – 10 g, bearberry – 20 g parsley (fruit) – 10 g, white birch (kidneys) – 10 g, watch a three-sheeted (Leaf) – 40 g, elfwort (roots) – 10 g. Take 1 / 2 cup of broth to 3 times a day for 15 minutes before a meal as a diuretic. Anise ordinary (fruit) – 10 g parsley Ogorodnaya (grass) – 20 g, shepherd's purse (herb) – 10 g, juniper ordinary (fruit) – 15 g, bearberry (leaf) – 15 g rest-harrow field (root) – 15 g, dandelion (root) – '15 Prepare a decoction of 10 grams of the collection. Take 1/2-1/3 cup in the form of heat 2-3 times a day for diseases urinary system.


Why can not we cope with acne? It is difficult to say with certainty. Too much misunderstood in this matter, left unsaid, contradictory. Just yesterday, for example, believed that the appearance of acne blame for food. Today say it has nothing to do with it. And that tomorrow will say experts at – I think that God himself is unknown.

Even the name of this painful bumps than one. It is called a blackhead, a pimple is, the acne, the comedo. There are different versions and points of view acne, there is no unity among the experts. To date, about acne medicine, known only as follows. Who came up with Acne? When exactly will pimples on the body – It is not nobody knows. This can happen in 12 years, and 15, and older. It all depends on when the adolescent begins the process of puberty.

And it does not start at all at the same time. Back in the old saying fathers to children, they say, be patient, my son or daughter, pimples will then themselves. People wisdom is not far from the truth. In most cases, 20-25 years (again – roughly) acne disappear. By this time, puberty should already "ustakanilos", enter the labor regime and start to run like clockwork. In most cases, I repeat, is what happens. But, unfortunately, not at all. Someone eels trapped in a body to old age. Here it is appropriate to ask, mature-all teens, acne and for some reason there are only a few.

How To Fight Depression

You get a feeling of guilt for not shown activity in a new working day, family problems prevent sleep? Such a mental disorder like depression, has some features for example: depression more common in female population, they become public skate. Depressive Disorder these days are so common in France in patients with mild depression do not give Sick. Increasingly described disorder tends to spread, to become the norm of civilized society. It is worth noting that approximately one third of depressive disorders should be fashion. Some of the young women suffer from depression just as they have a desire to visit the shops of fashionable clothes.

In general, medicine, depression made by the triple recognize the symptoms. The first thing you should pay attention, because it's on reduction in the overall mood, which appears pessimistic setting to life. The range of mood disorders ranging from mild sadness to a physical sensation of "stone heart." The second symptom of depression – reduction motor activity. The person in this state is slow. He himself is a state perceives as weakness, lethargy, fatigue. The third symptom, completing the triad – a slowing of thought. For some it may be confusing, and you ask "What does this mean?" My answer to mental health professionals indicator tempo of your thinking – this, as well as response to questions addressed to you.

A person suffering from depression, said slowly and quietly usual; he does not notice, but there is always around to point to it. Subjectively, the slowdown in thinking you can evaluate how to forgetfulness, impaired concentration. Classic triple features, of course, can often occur in a person's life. Moreover, bad mood you can visit several times a day, accompanied by the loss, mourning or event in your life. Therefore, usually referred to depression status up to two, three or more months. To understand whether you have developed depression, the above symptoms may not always be enough, so you should bring a number of typical symptoms of depression: Depression can be defined to reduce libido, and increase feelings of guilt.

Very Strong Tree In The Crimea – Juniper

During the excavation of one of the towers of the medieval fortress of Sudak archaeologists discovered a stone dam strong overlap of the Crimean very strong wood. Age trunks before they log in and use of the tower, scientists have identified 700-800 years. This is an amazing representative of the family Cupressaceae – juniper. In Crimea, known for its 5 species (in the CIS countries – 21 in the world – 70). Russian botanist, S.

Stankov defined the originality of this relic plant: "… juniper tree, beautiful tall, strong trees which, with a characteristic ribbon-like-cracked brown-red bark and branches covered with a soft kiparisovidnoy needles, for the first time hit northerner, which welcomed hitherto junipers in the form of squat prickly bushes in the northern forests. " In Russia it was called Veres, red cedar, mozzhuhoy. The fruit and juniper needles have healing qualities, they are widely used in household and traditional medicine. His wood was equally successful in the construction and the manufacture of various household items and souvenirs.

Alas, all this must be referred to as irretrievably the departed time. Predatory cutting junipers, practiced earlier, caused irreparable damage to this noble plant. Today, only ten places in the Southern coast of Crimea, Balaclava from the west to the New World on east, there are individual, tiny grove of juniper trees. Now the juniper tree, or high – Mediterranean relic species living on the earth for more than 50 million years old – is in the Red Book. In Evpatoria average for the year 2413 hours of sunshine, and at Yalta, located 100 km south-east, – 2223, ie at least 190 hours. The reasons for this are different. One of them – the amount of direct solar radiation received in some parts of the Earth surface. Beaches Evpatoria open. Crimean plain as it rushes to bezbrezhe sea. Yalta is protected from the east, north and west of the main ridge, so the sun rises later and here comes earlier than in Evpatoria. In addition, a significant effect on the total number of hours of sunlight provides humidity, rainfall and long dry periods. In this regard, Evpatoria – the driest of seaside resorts of Crimea. Precipitation falls here at an average annual 380 mm, and the dry season lasts 255 days. At Yalta, the figures are respectively 560 mm and 225 days a year.

Diets and Nutrition

The first subgroup – breaks down and does not deposit in the body fat, the incoming with food. Preparations of the second subgroup – this fat burners. They break down the existing fat in the body. Such preparations often contain bromelain – an enzyme secreted from the South American guarana. Preparations for outdoor use. This group includes a variety of anti-cellulite gels and creams, patches, massagers and various termopreparaty to promote break down of fats (which should be applied to problem areas in while playing sports).

Nutritional – These drugs work to alleviate diets. They contain fiber, which swells in the stomach and some substances that reduce appetite. Strong effect from this category means we should not expect, but they should be consumed with great caution. After all, if you eat them without changing eating habits – you can not only lose weight but gain weight. It should be noted that one of the most popular categories – is a means to reduce appetite. Although in reality, they are recommended for people with really heavy weights.

In use it is believed that damage to the health of the extra pounds will be many times more damage the use of medicines. If you buy these products – be sure to read the instructions. Manufacturers are required to specify the dosage and the drug, as well as be responsible for their effectiveness and security. However, this is not a panacea. Even in a developed country like the U.S., with a very serious attitude to medicine and the availability of special organizations controlling release of such products in certain pharmaceutical Drugs were found hazardous constituents, which were not specified in the instructions. Many anorectics contain sibutramine. This substance, which since 2008 has been included in the list of potent drugs, and Holiday preparations based on it can be done only on prescription. Consultation with a dietitian will not interfere in any way.

Teenage Alcoholism

Statistics of teenage alcoholism According to statistics the majority of students in grades 6 already gained access to alcohol: not only the tried and bought their own alcohol-containing beverages a variety, as well as wine, beer and Champagne. Many children and adolescents enter into the alcohol by their parents and older relatives. With age, adolescents become more and more alcohol, and 11% of students in 8th grade are at risk for developing alcoholism. K 11 class 39% of students drink alcohol weekly, which leads to the development of adolescent alcoholism. The consequences of teenage alcohol abuse effects of regular alcohol use in adolescence significantly serious and dangerous than alcohol dependence in adulthood. The effects of alcohol at a time when there is growth and development of all vital systems and functions of man, leads to terrible results. Here are some of them: – high blood pressure, tachycardia, etc.) – the deterioration of bone tissue, in particular, the development of disorders of the spine – kidney and urinary tract (urethritis, cystitis, pyelonephritis) – early start sexual life leads to a weakening of sexual function, infertility and inability to bear and give birth to offspring – in emotional disorders.

Treatment of adolescent alcohol abuse treatment adolescent alcoholism carried out by traditional methods, including coding of alcoholism. But there are certain features of the treatment of alcohol dependence in porostkov. An important aspect in the treatment of adolescent alcoholism is timeliness of diagnosis, to avoid serious complications. Teenage alcoholism is difficult to treat, because at this age can not use many drugs. Treatment better iprovodit hospital under mandatory supervision of physicians (including therapists).