Faith and Sanctity

Me it seems that for some preachers and ensinadores of this time, it does not have the perception that what counts in the received writings, either it, for the future things, as well as says the Holy Writs, here it is that in them is on the Christ who spoke: I GO AND COME BACK, data in if being hearing constantly that we can usufruct of the faith in this period land, then I have given emphasis to the next things, of the necessities and the consumption. I perceive that what really counts in accepting GOOD the NEWS is the hope of the engaged and future things, not yet lived. The doctor and where it works, does not have another function and purpose not to be to cure the physical diseases of the people, they do not exist for another thing. The church and its preachers would have the same to be in direction, that to only cure the diseases of the soul, after all it is of it that we will give it counts to the God. What we really count to the God in relation, devoid people of a so great mercy? To evidence that the account is our faith and in recognizing that we are dependents d? It, thus says the Holy Writs. for the faith to evidence that the writings are for the good of all, in accepting will lead them to the individual sanctity, thus also says the Holy Writs. There it is written that without faith in them is impossible to please the God and that without the sanctification nobody will have of guards, becomes essential to search to grow in the knowledge of the Word that in the ones of the cause to the faith and that leads in them to the repentance of our workmanships, which can making to distanciar in them of the sanctity and therefore of its presence.

Russian Advertising

For example, during a promo stock in shops , residents of nearby houses with great pleasure overstocked quality mayonnaise and a bonus promo sauce of the same brand. If it were not for the promo campaign, I hardly have bought that sauce because it is much more of the mayonnaise and related sauces by other manufacturers. And the sauce is not for the Russian product, without which it is impossible to cook something tasty (unlike mayonnaise or ketchup). So that the calculation Volgograd advertising agency, carries out the action, was correct – with the bonus mayonnaise sauce was sold within a couple of days. In addition to tangible financial and moral benefits of promotions decorate the city. That's my word of honor nice to look at beautiful girls and boys in cute (often – unusual) costumes (promoforma), which gently (important!) offer different promotional things. They can not not pay attention to these promoters enjoy the interest of the citizens and communicate with these promoters is enjoyable. Last summer, a beautiful young girl in the air lilac dress cruised on crowded streets of Volgograd and allowed to try something tasty, I guess.

What they were cute! Just landing fabulous fairies, my word! A couple of years ago, promotions and other btl activities were only a cavalier imposition of passersby (or customers in the sales rooms of stores) of any rubbish, and caused a very negative attitude towards any kind of promo. Conclusion: btl advertising in Volgograd has reached a qualitatively new level. Now on new types of advertising, which until 2009 in Volgograd, was not. Last year, the advertisement appeared in the elevators and was immediately assigned to the townsfolk anthropocentric forms of advertising. Ie You are going to calm myself but in the elevator and had nothing to do scrutinize the leaflets and – very convenient.

Moreover, the advertising boards in the elevators is hosted exclusively targeted ads: goods and services for individuals. A few weeks ago in the elevator of my house appeared advertising mirror, which also very pleased, so lets enjoy their ethereal beauty and hairstyle to correct during the descent / ascent to / from the native threshold. Mirror located on the advertising slogan of the manufacturer and contact details somewhere in a corner of the reflecting surface, gently and touchingly humble. Another new type of advertising – advertising on the tickets of public transport. Frankly, this kind of advertising amuses me. But! Again, do not fret that a huge plus advertising on the tickets. Remember the ads of a slaughterhouse, where he was described salad recipe is the product of the meat. There's a list of products was listed as the bow, and in the recipe of onion forgotten and instead used carrot. It was funny, I re-read the recipe all the way and my mood after each reading rose by several degrees. That's just the name of the meat for some reason, dropped out of memory. Although, for me, an ordinary layman, it is not so important. The main thing is awareness of that advertising in Volgograd I am not annoying and is a valuable source of information.

Plastic Tambour

PLASTIC tambour The simplest device for tensioning the canvas were known to our grandparents. Tambour different diameters made of wood, as in Soviet times – plastic. Apparently, in order to cost of natural materials. And now: the cheapest Russian-made hoop made of plastic, but they look no worse than foreign counterparts. They can be of different colors and sizes – they diameter from 10 to 27 cm are commercially available hoop with the screw, but there is recent spring hoop. They are used for machine and hand embroidery. Beginners needlewomen may well experiment with embroidery frame.

Wooden tambour embroidery frame Wooden made of wood – beech or oak. The minimum diameter of the wooden hoop starts at 10.5 cm, and maximum – 30 cm Most hoop rims consist of two 8 mm wide, to which we are accustomed to. But foreign manufacturers have gone further and made wooden hoop with a width of 15 mm rims. Through greater consolidation in which the canvas is stretched fabric better. In addition, the wide hoop easier inserted into the holders to the hoop, which we describe next. Hoop-frame inside of the hoop framework is made of plastic, and outdoor – from a rubber material with a pattern "under the tree." Pulling the canvas once and embroidering figure, we can only secure the excess fabric on the inside and hang a framed embroidered picture and has a special loop, which is on the hoop. Such tambour come in various sizes – diameters of 10 25 But see finished picture rather rarely round.

Science Soul

It determines until certain point the studied problems, the way of exactly studies them ede the language to be used to speak regarding the problems, and to perceive helps them that all the things are consequences of essencialmentearbitrais decisions taking for people much time backwards, but of what necessariamenteinerentes to the proper treat subject. WHAT Psychology IS PSYCHOLOGY is a science that tries to search resources, looks for to understand the man, its behavior, for it facilitates convivnciaconsigo proper and with the other. They intend to supply subsidies so that it knows lidarconsigo exactly to it and with the experiences of the life. It is, therefore Science doComportamento, understood this in its ampler direction. Valley to stand out not only queentendo behavior as external reactions, but also comoatividades of the same conscience and of the unconscious one, in a indiretamenteobservvel plan.

The existing controversy with lathe does not interest our study the multiple quarrels etoda of word same behavior or of objetoe definition of Psychology the important one is that you understand what it deals with. Its object has varied throughout the time and its daily pay-histriaconfunde with the proper history of the Philosophy. In the etimolgico direction, seriacincia of the soul or the study of the soul. It was from there that the Greeks start its speculations. They found that all human being possesss one against incorporeal part of the body, of ondeprovinham the psychic processes, of I celebrate which it would be only mediating. During centuries, it was studied as of the soul that Psychology existed. Brusconeste disruption concept if gave with the filosofofrancs Ren Discardings (1596 – 1650), whose theory of the dualism psicolfisico-distinoentre the body and mind-impregnated the ideas of the time and influenced all posterior Psicologia. Discardings considered, that the eramecanicista animal behavior, that is, obeyed the reflected action purely. From there oconceito deanimas without mind.

Brazil Book

To the times the neighbors asked for some loaned to it and they did not return. Then old Zuza was nervous. Certain day a boy came, the control of the father, to ask for loaned the hand saw to it, what the old one answered: – Boy, return and say your father who, comes if it comes was and came comes, it comes went, but as go-and-he comes goes and he does not come, go-and-come not vai' '. Unhappyly I did not obtain I discovered who is the author of the text, but I remember that in the layer of the book it had some regions of Brazil in a map colorful: it had a seringueiro in a tip, a cattle tender in the other, a man of wide pants (gaucho) and so on. I arrested the attention in the name of the book We go to study! This age a species of invitation, I also know that the author was Teobaldo Miranda Saints and the book published for the Publishing company TO ACT. I was learning to see details with books of my brothers and learned the decorated texts, me to appear ' ' saliente' ' my father said smiling. In the nights of they will be, while the workers of roa waited the hour to sleep, threshing maize, my older brother, the order of mine, father, sat down in a chair, the greater pachorra, and read ' ' romances' ' of Twine literature ****, that my father always bought in the fair. I remember the first one that I decorated the romance of the Kingdom of the Sea Without End these rhymed texts help in the memorization and in this I always was very good. Therefore I refer myself what Cezar Coll regarding the learning says: ' ' they show that the peculiar combination between equality and mutuality created in the diverse approaches, make with that each one particularly is adjusted to carry through one definitive type of learning.

Samuel Akinin Levy

Without lies would not lie to a heart that therefore time has suffered or leave in doubt both that I committed him shut up without reason and love a feeling to then explain what do silent waiting for today the only time makes doubt in your love and the beloved life teaches us in his own way that one does not live how much you want to not enjoy what you have and that death does not expect also that one does not You can neither knows what the other party seeks or wants what one itself maintains it is this love that has outgrown us treatment of say, overturn what I feel to express in a few moments what has happened to me at the time and is little or nothing to express love is as you all know something volatilea feeling of nothing more a tingling that nobody starts knows how nor why, and already it is reviewing that everyone thinks what one feels like nothing else is believing that anything is possible and nothing farthest from reality love eternally is available is to give without thinking is to receive what they give you is living in the momentthe longer share what little or profuse is living in a perennial Mirage knowing that it is always the same and that we know to little great thing I have been asked talk, express say, transcribing, Count I have been asked cheer and especially returns to love how comply fully when there is doubt in love when fear and tenderly you require more and more love, this I’m sure insurance because it is a pure feeling when I say what I feel and in your arms I surrender I love youKiss, wish and do not lie Samuel Akinin Levy without lies not would lie to a heart that therefore time has suffered or leave in doubt both that I committed him shut up without reason and love a feeling to then explain what do silent waiting for today the only time makes doubt in your love and the beloved life teaches us in his own way that one does not live how much you want to not enjoy what you have and that the death also hoped that one can not know what the other party seeks or wants what one itself maintains it is this love that has outgrown us treatment of say, overturn what I feel to express in a few moments what has happened to me at the time and is little or nothing to express love is as you all know something volatileone feeling nothing more a tickling that nobody starts knows how nor why, and already it is reviewing that everyone thinks what one feels like nothing else is believing that anything is possible and nothing farthest from reality love eternally is available is to give without thinking is to receive what they give you is living in the moment, the longer share what little or profuse is living in a perennial Mirage knowing that it is always the same and that We know little great thing I have been asked talk, express say, transcribing, Count I have been asked cheer and especially returns to love how comply fully when there is doubt in love when fear and tenderly you require more and more love, this I’m sure insurance because it is a pure feeling when I say what I feel and in your arms I surrender I love youKiss, wish and do not lie Samuel Akinin Levy original Autor and source of the article.. .

Laurel And Hardy

Laurel and Hardy Main article: Laurel and Hardy poster of The Lucky Dog, 1919 In 1927, Laurel and Hardy films would star his first Slipping Wives, Duck Soup (not to be confused with the movie of the same name as the Marx Brothers ) and With Love and hisses, but still were not even funny, but they were two independent actors involved in the same movies. Supervising director Roach Studios, Leo Mc, saw the potential of the couple and probably was the one who encouraged them to form a comic duo that came true later that year. He had created one of the most famous comedy teams of all time. They started producing a huge number of short films, including The Battle of the Century (1927) (with one of the greatest battles ever filmed cakes) Should Married Men Go Home (1928), Two Tars (1928). Unaccustomed As We Are in 1929 marked his transition easy, in the talkies.Berth Marks (1929), Blotto (1930), Brats (1930) (with Stan and Ollie doing themselves and their children, using huge furniture for small scenes Laurel and Hardy), Another Fine Mess (1930), Be Big! (1931), among others. In 1929 appeared in her first film part of the cast of actors who appeared in Hollywood Revue of 1929 (promotional films) and the following year appeared as a contrast comic opera singer Lawrence Tibbets (in Technicolor) in the film’s song the steppe. This film would mark his first appearance in color. In 1931 he made his first feature as protagonists, Pardon Us. But they continued making films until 1935. His greatest recognition came when the film Music Box (1932) won the Academy Award Oscar for best short, it would be the only one who would win. In 1932 Laurel and Hardy began a six-week tour of Britain, the country of origin of Laurel.He projected a quiet trip since they were not sure how they would be received in old Europe and were surprised by the huge crowds of people who received them and followed them wherever they went. Following this it was decided to extend the tour including Scandinavia, Belgium, France and even served once for the King George VI and Queen Elizabeth. finally spread the tour over a year. Filmed in 1933 which is considered his best film, drinking companions ( Sons of the Desert ), its impact was such that the film title was chosen for the largest fan club who have had Oliver and Stan active today. In 1936 the life of Hardy suffered a new blow to divorce his second wife Myrtle.In 1939, while waiting for contractual problems between Laurel and Hal Roach were resolved (Laurel was fired and reinstated some time later), Hardy made a film, Zenobia, the famous comic silent film star Harry Langdon, whose career had fallen into sharply as the sound came. The couple did not work and Roach acknowledged that the public what they wanted was to see Laurel and Hardy. So finally the contract issues were resolved and the duo was “loaned” to General Services Studio to star in The Flying Deuces. At that time the favored destination Hardy, since he met and fell in love Virginia Lucille Jones, a Script Girl. They married the following year and went with Hardy until the day of his death. Laurel and Hardy also worked for the USO (United Service Organizations, volunteer organization to raise the morale of U.S. troops in the world) to support the Allied troops during World War II.They also made A Chump at Oxford (1940) (where for a time the roles are reversed, while Hardy to the orders of an expious Laurel) and Saps at Sea (1940). In early 1941 the films of Laurel and Hardy became a worse quality. Roach left Studios and made films for 20th Century Fox first, and later for MGM. But even though their salaries were increased significantly (Laurel Hardy always claimed more than) in the major studios had very little control over their films and those films lacked quality and sense of humor and rhythm that the world had famous. In 1949 John Wayne, Hardy’s friend, asked him to act as a supporting actor in the film The Fighting Kentuckian. Hardy had worked with Wayne and John Ford a few years ago in a charity production of the play What Price Glory , While Laurel was recovering from treatment for his diabetes. Skeptical at first, Hardy finally accepted encouraged by Laurel.Shortly after Frank Capra Hardy invited to do a cameo in the film Riding High with Bing Crosby (1950). Hardy proved to be a good actor (though not as good as Laurel) and gives an idea of what had been his career if he had taken other routes. In 1951 he made his last film, Atomic Robinsons (also known as Utopia).

Play Guitar Quickly

Without doubt, guitar is the instrument that most aspiring musicians opt to learn. And everyone when it starts wants to learn guitar fast. But quickly it isn’t always the best way. If you want to play well, then take your time. Make sure that you’re learning good habits.

It is likely that touches your life, the guitar so tomato time to learn the techniques correctly! Since it is difficult to correct postural defects that you acquire in the learning phase. However when through daily practice one day you’ll be playing quickly and almost without darte account. You can play many different types of music on your guitar: rock, pop, jazz, country and even classical. Your tastes will probably change over the years and luckily the guitar is adaptable to each style. So when you learn to play guitar it is very important that you learn the basic concepts that will take you through all musical styles. I’m going to give you some tips to help you get started. If want more tips and exercises to train fingers, heat, etc can visit and find very good material. Correct position for playing (these tips are based on play with the right hand, so if you’re left-handed, you only have to basarte on left hand side) take a correct position is important since it will make the technique just effortless flow, and also to avoid back problems.

Sitting: The classical position is in which you will feel with your guitar resting on your left leg. Casual position of the guitar body sits on your right leg. Stand: choose one to run it wide so that you do not cut you shoulder and causing pain. Use your hand to support the fingers gently from the neck of the guitar, while you rest your right hand on the bridge. Trafficking maintain a relaxed posture, be relaxed will help you to quickly learn the guitar. Correct position of your hand wrists and hands should be always relaxed, otherwise it can lead to injury, as tendenitis. So it is vital develop good habits from the beginning. Never, ever, pressures or hang your thumb on the back of the guitar neck (MAST), since this causes tension on the wrist and thumb. Learn guitar and scales chords plays repeatedly until you master them one by one. Touches the strings many, many times, pass them one by one and make sure that you press well and sounds good. If that is the secret of to learn guitar fast repetition! With repetition, you accelerate your progress. It passes to the next lesson until you have mastered completely in which you find yourself. The more time you spend practicing more is shortened time for playing music that dream. Leave that your discipline is driven by your passion for the guitar. If you practice every day and follow a good method of learning you will touch the guitar in no time. Here you will find a guide to the best courses of the network, I hope will be useful:


Possess charm opens many doors. Potential lovely man that there is inside you is your best kept secret and a true gold mine. Your charm is like a Pearl inside an Oyster, once is discovered and polished can shine, enriching your personality and your success. The charm is that intangible quality that resides in your interior, which when it is discovered and liberated from the suffocating container where it is contained, can add a powerful plus to your presence to generate an irresistible pleasure in others. The influence of this charm will attract, calm, aplacara and seduce any who come into contact with you. The ability to win influence over other people is directly proportional to the charm that you will be able to possess and demonstrate. The charm can be developed as any other quality or attribute of the mind, adopting and practicing some basic rules. Adaptation, art to coincide with other people because the tune with others is the number one lesson.

Find points in common. Adaptation is the recognition of the right to be other persons, regardless of whether they are in the success or error. As Voltaire said: I do not agree nor a Word with what you say but I will defend to death your right to say it. The goal is to delight, not reform. The first rule for you is be yourself. Any type of makeup, including a smile false, are not part of the game. The imitation or the action even using the best choreography, eventually killing the natural charm. It is relatively easy to attract the attention of the people through artifice, but to influence people beyond the superficial, you must possess the real power of the charm. A smile can conquer at first sight, but of conscious charm power you need to get real results. Authenticity is the most genuine weapon which we can dispononer, it is perceived by others and any attempt to pretend to be real when it is not, is usually discovered.


The narcisistas if consider special, bonanza and justified in if concentrating exclusively in the personal gratuity. Characteristics: The individual that possesss narcisista personality, if becomes by itself stubborn, presents grandiosidade, necessity of admiration and empatia. The narcisistas seem not to have humildade and being in, without they need to give much return. If they feel deserving waiting social recognition without assuming no responsibility; they not only tend to lack of empatia as well as make little case of the others, in insensitive way use the others to promote its proper desires personal. Diagnosis: A evasivo standard of grandiosidade, necessity of admiration and lack of empatia, that starts at the beginning of the adult age and is present in a variety of contexts, indicated for at least five of these criteria: 1) Huge feeling of the proper importance (for former; it exaggerates accomplishments and talentos, it waits if recognized as superior without commensurable accomplishments),2) Concerns with fancies of limitless success, power intelligence, beauty or love ideal.3) Beliefs of to be special (institutions) special or of condition elevada.4) Requirements of admiration excessiva.5) Feelings of intitulao, that is, possesss expectations irrationals to receive a treatment especially favorable or automatic obedience ace its expectativas.6) exploring in interpersonal relationships, that is, takes off proper advantages of others to reach its objetivos.7) Absence of empatia: reluta in recognizing or identifying with the feelings and necessities alheias.8) Frequent feels envy of other people or believes to be white of the envy alheia.9) arrogant and insolentes Behaviors and attitudes. Consideraes Final: It is important to stand out that the item above serve of base so that the individual or somebody that is next it looks aid of some specialist or of a psychologist so that thus it has a correct diagnosis, we do not have basing in them on only some words to say something on the life of somebody, is necessary that it has interview, psychological evaluation and that everything this