
It haunt today me with as much easiness in searching Internet information, sees that contradiction, the more available the truths less of them we make use. I go to transcribe some reasons for which we must attempt against in the transistion of our habits. I found in the Internet, without very effort. ' ' the 1) tip is that such to make swimming, after all it also moves with diverse muscles and places of our body, 2) beyond leaving relaxed. 3) The water is a beneficial good for our body, therefore it is relaxante, favors the functions organic and not yet she possesss aggressive effect to our body.

4) Swimming reduces the risk of cardiovascular problems, the heart is stronger, you loses fat and gains more muscles, 5) the blood pumps for the entire body with much more easiness, 6) reduces the cardiac frequency, 7) stimulates the sanguineous circulation, 8) fortifies the joints, 9) the muscles increase of size, aid in the protection of the ligaments and tendes, 10) exercise all the joints, 11) potencializa flexibility, 12) alliviate pains that are caused by artrose, 13) improve the respiratory system, 14) go up the auto one esteem, 15) the person if it feels more independent and insurance, 16) the water allows the freedom of the movements, 17) reduces pain, 18) reduces the risk of injuries, 19) delays the effect of the aging, 20) facilitate the mental relaxation and etc. The indicated one is children to start to make physical swimming or exercises since small, therefore 21) assists in the growth of the child. It is also indicated that people of the third age practise swimming or hidroginstica. What it said soon there behind is that the illness if installs first in its mind, with masked unhealthy thoughts of daily wisdom that will go to lead to the physical illnesses. The danger of this is that we will always be ready to enroll an interminable series of reasons ' ' because we cannot fazer' ' , when the rational would be to accept the fact of that we are not knowing to think as it would have.

Stomach Surgery for Men

Independent of the fact that it is or or badly, for our society the physical image is very important, and that is something that no longer only affects the women, but also has begun to hit to the men in several countries of the world. Also denominated aesthetic surgery of abdomen, abdominoplastia is a procedure that can be applied to women and men the same. This plastic surgery tries to reduce to the size of a protuberant abdomen with the elimination of the excess of skin and the tension of muscles of the abdominal region. In many men the aesthetic surgery of abdomen can obtain one more a flatter silhouette, signs and attractive. Benefits of the masculine surgery of abdomen The frequent or drastic changes in the corporal weight, as well as the aging can cause that the abdominal muscles are debilitated and that the skin hangs, since as we age, the fat is redistributed in the abdominal zone. Sometimes the exercise does not produce the result that many men hope, nevertheless, this can to fix with the plastic surgery of abdomen, that it has like objective to improve the appearance of the abdominal region by means of the elimination of the excess of skin and the tension of muscles. If you want to obtain better results, the plastic surgery of abdomen can cause that the abdominal zone is firmer in the masculine body, which grants a youthful figure and can get to increase the confidence in itself.

Variants of the surgery of abdomen for men Generally, the surgery of abdomen is a realised ambulatory procedure with general or local anesthesia, more sedation. In a traditional process an incision in the abdomen becomes inferior, from a hip to another one, and soon another incision is made to relocate the navel. Later the abdominal muscles are tightened and the excess of skin is eliminated. The rest of the skin stretches. If the intervention is partial, also well-known like minisurgery of abdomen, eliminates less skin and the navel is not touched.

The scar is smaller and recovery time is shorter. It is a procedure that can go accompanied of a liposuction to eliminate any excess of fat. The time that takes a plastic surgery of abdomen is of two hours approximately, whereas a surgery of partial abdomen requires one or two hours. In a plastic surgery of extended abdomen, the incisions go around flanks of the patient and the zone of treatment includes llantitas as well as the part superior of the hips. The endoscopic surgery of abdomen implies small incisions and requires of a small camera. In this intervention, the tense plastic surgeon the abdominal zone and does not eliminate skin. For someterte to a plastic surgery of abdomen you must consult the opinion of a professional plastic surgeon and certificate, apart from which you must atenderte in a clinic of plastic surgery that counts on instruments necessary to realise the intervention and to respond before any problem while you are in operating room and after the operation.

So Paulo

The decurrent complications of the obesidade are several, since diabetes, hipertenso infarto acute of the myocardium, amongst others. does not think that the inhibiting medicine use of appetite is the made right solution more. All the people who take remedies need medical lapsing and accompaniment of a doctor, therefore the inhibiting calls of appetite have made that nor always they are favorable. is clearly must have behavior change, also in the alimentary habits, therefore of the one not to take these medicines to the life all. Then it uses to advantage the tips to follow, it associates exercises, balanced diet and healthful habits, for who it knows to arrive at the summer in good optimum form and with more health and quality of life. It confers the 14 goals of the alimentary education, indicated for the Center of Reference in Nutrition of the College of Public Health of the University of So Paulo (USP). 1) It makes of 5 the 6 meals per day. 2) Fruits in the dessert and the snacks.

3) It eats vegetables and vegetables in the lunch and the supper. 4) The portion of meat must be of the size of the palm of the hand. 5) It changes the animal fat for vegetable and consummates with moderation. 6) It moderates in the sugars and candies. 7) It diminishes the rich salt and foods in sodium. 8) It consummates milk or derived in the recommended amount. 9) It consummates at least 1 portion of integral cereal. 10) It eats a portion of leguminosas per day.

11) It reduces the alcohol. It prevents the daily consumption. 12) It at least drinks 2 liters of water per day. 13) It makes every day at least 30 minutes of physical activity. 14) It appreciates its meal. It eats to devagar. still the five tips left for the endocrinologistas in the program welfare, shown in day 21/09/2011.

Health Customer

If any now health customer is caught up in emergency situation, they can call any of our emergency numbers and there will always be someone on hand to help. Whilst now health international, provider of global health insurance, cannot cover their customers for medical care resulting from chemical exposure including radiation or contamination, the company does provide cover for injuries and care required following a natural disaster. In the event of a critical life-threatening medical condition while living abroad, now health wants to use its emergency assistance service to evacuate customers with expat insurance to the nearest medical facility for immediate care. Their phone lines are open all day and night; every day of the year, so if a customer has to emergency, there is always a team at hand to make arrangements. Now health has local clinical teams on the ground in the UK, Dubai and Hong Kong so they can tap into their local knowledge to get the best possible care for the customer. Now health thus covers transportation costs in the event of emergency treatment, travel costs to and from medical appointments including the cost incurred by a companion and costs for hospital accommodation. Where repatriation is needed, now Health’s plan covers the cost of airfare ticket for the person insured and accompanying person.

The customer DC one be their country of nationality or principal either repatriated to wants country of residence, they choose. Now health international so was cover injuries sustained as act of terrorism, and illegal acts if the injured party what on innocent bystander of the event. Tim mutton, business development Director, now health international comments: “we offer comprehensive cover in the event of a natural disaster.” Our customer’s safety and wellbeing during in emergency such as the Japanese earthquake is our top priority however. Our service handled quickly and efficiently. promise so ensures that claims and enquiries are” If any now health customer is caught up in emergency situation, they can call any of our emergency numbers and there will always be someone on hand to help.

Health Insurance Provider

Network for an alternative to the statutory insurance, comparison portals for the private health insurance is the PKV. Over 40 different car companies are nationwide represented alone in Germany. Each Institute is working with individual conditions and would like to win the customers with different types of benefits. For the beneficiary, the problem arises after the selection of the perfect provider. The abundance is almost unmanageable, and it is hardly possible to check each operation individually.

Order to save time and above all the effort, there is now the possibility to compare different insurance companies and then to make a decision. This prevents a future disappointment and stress related. In the private health insurance compare various insurers are juxtaposed. This is extremely promising, since every year new companies in the highly competitive market come and attempt to control it. In and of itself on the Insurance always innovative ideas are presented, which is tried to convince the clients. in the companies the capabilities are very different and should be studied as a result exactly.

The comparison can be made for example via a computer. So every insurance carrier can the exact total figure, how much would the interest and contributions to the respective provider under these circumstances. In the network comparison portals can be found both free as expensive ways to face each other with the provider. Also, the comparisons are quite different. This one gained an analytical summary of the performance of a GKVs and global the fastest. In this way the decision even easier, to the car or vice versa with regard to a change of the statutory health insurance. Not only the proposals of individual providers play a role, but also the cost of the contribution and interest. With a virtual comparison it is possible to save themselves a visit to the local insurance company and just all trades over the Internet. In most cases one protects also the purse strings as virtual services are often cheaper than onsite. However, it should be on the other hand always vigilant when you choose a provider online. Especially in the insurance, it is often the case that black sheep are just waiting to seduce the naive customers with interesting offers, so that it enters into a contract. Usually one is bound for years on the deal in such a case for some and must pay high costs to the respective Insurance Institute. You can easily prevent this danger, in which it focused on the search engine and takes the individual companies scrutinized.

Caring for a Healthy Cat

Cat watering the Velvet paw to provide not only fresh water, but encouraged them to healthy drinking. Cat watering of your cats accepted glad because the fountain by a built-in motor keeps the water constantly in motion. Place it directly next to the feed, because cats don’t like this. Food residue could also contaminate drinking water. Is sufficient fluid for however vital for cat. Kidney damage, Harngries to kidney failure can be the result.

Drinking fountain with activated carbon filters reverse germinate very quickly and are therefore not recommended. When purchasing a cat potions that it is easy to clean. Some drinking fountains are designed so that they look while chic, but very bad to clean. Drinking fountain is made of plastic and ceramic. Plastic fountain can be overturned quickly, because they are very easy. In addition, you can scratch and thus form a collection point for bacteria.

Des Are more difficult to assemble, to keep even hard clean many corners and edges and the motor is usually not too quiet. Ceramic drinking fountain have a higher weight can therefore not easily be knocked over, can be cleaned in the dishwasher and are scratch resistant. Bacteria have no chance to set. In addition, the motor during the cat watering ceramic is much quieter. You must only ensure that the cable does not become the stumbling block for your velvet paw. There are also different designs. Which you choose, depends from your cat and its needs. Please keep in mind that there are also breeds, like swimming. Emergency even in the drinking fountain. Cat watering can order online cheap cat needs. Best greetings to all cat lovers of Anne Kanani

Jena Solutions

What care do need glasses? For a sustained clear glasses must be protected especially from dirt and scratches. To clean up, glasses should therefore not simply access to the upper shirt sleeve or handkerchief. The coarsely structured materials easily damage the coatings. Dry micro cloth or moist, Microfine cleaning cloth for glasses are, however, specifically tailored to the requirements of modern eyeglass lenses. * Online omnibus international on behalf of Carl Zeiss Vision, YouGov, November 2011 contact person for the press Miriam Kapsegger, Carl Zeiss, Optometry, PR Manager D-A-CH Tel.

07361 5578 1261, E-Mail: Carl Zeiss the Carl Zeiss group is an international leader in optics and optoelectronics. Around 24,000 employees generated a turnover of around 4.2 billion euros in the financial year 2011/12. In the markets of industrial solutions, research solutions, medical technology and consumer optics Carl Zeiss for more than 160 years contributes to the technological progress and improved the quality of life of many people. The group develops and manufactures planetariums, glasses, binoculars, photo / film lenses and solutions for biomedical research, medical technology, the semiconductor, automotive and mechanical engineering industry. In over 40 countries around the world, Carl Zeiss is present with around 40 of production and over 50 service and sales offices as well as around 20 research and development sites.

Carl Zeiss AG is 100 percent owned by the Carl-Zeiss-Stiftung. The company was founded in Jena in 1846 is oberkochen. Optometry the vision care division of Carl Zeiss connects an international brand as the only manufacturer of eye-optical expertise and solutions. The under supplied develops and manufactures technologically excellent instruments and offers for the entire value chain of optics.

Training – The Best Way To Lose Weight

Some people want to take care of their health. Someone just wants to look good. But most usually from exercise or simply charging home in the morning, start doing everything as it was taught in school (Army Institute of … Grandma said, and so on) of the Lord! … Dov poporyadku! Every workout should begin with a 7-10-minute workout. For endurance training can warm up, starting at a low rate of exercise the main part (walking, jogging, bike …), and gradually bringing the rate to that in which will be the main part of your workout.

By the end of warm-up heart rate should reach a value at which there is weight loss, fat burning, and the bulk of training should pass with a pulse rate within these limits. End the workout stretching exercises (at least 5 minutes). And now. The most effective ways to endurance training and the burning of excess weight: brisk walking jogging swimming skates, roller skis bicycle aerobics, shaping quick walk – ideal for beginners workout endurance. If you have not played sports, have a large weight gain, cellulite, strong, problems with joints or back, lose weight, start with walking. Gradually increase walking speed, turn in the route climbs up the hill, up the stairs. You can pick up a small complication. Go to the jogging, brisk walking when you can not bring pulse to the optimum.

Run so as not to choke, so you can talk on the run in short sentences. Start slowly. With increasing fitness increase your speed, turn the areas with the ups and descents. Will run – lose weight necessarily. Swimming – probably the best training. Develops strength and endurance, promotes weight loss, strengthens all muscle groups, hardens the body. Swim 3-4 times a week for 30-40 minutes, and results will not keep you waiting. Skates, roller skates – the way to an excellent fit. Ice skating and rollerblading are not only fun, but also trains endurance, burns fat, strengthens the buttocks, legs and back, helps lose weight, lose weight. The same can be said about the bike. Bicycles, skates, roller skates – similar sports, which have virtually the same coaching impact on the body. Ski – a great way to exercise. In addition to improving endurance and fat burning skiing strengthens virtually all muscle groups, especially the legs, back, abdominal and shoulder girdle. Skiing, like no other, can vary the intensity of the load – the walk ‘Snail’ pace to the rapid run up the hill. This allows them to people of all skill levels. Aerobics, shaping. Shaping can be practiced at home. Buy a CD, tape-recorded programs, and include be engaged. The difference between aerobic and shaping aerobics for 99% of endurance training is designed for weight loss, weight loss, shaping workout combines the same endurance and strength, gives a more balanced development – and weight loss, and muscle, but more complex, requires a readiness to begin training.

Control Etria

In the City of Salvador, in years 50 and 60 of the last century they were known focos of infection for the S. mansoni in areas of the urban perimeter (Levee of the Toror) and in lagoons located in more peripheral quarters (e.g., Placaford, Park of Pituau, Jaguaribe and adjacencies, among others) 6 natural. From year 2001, in the City of Salvador it was greater the advance of the process of municipalizao of the services of assistance to the health and for this time passed to be observed the increasing number of lapsing of oxamniquine or praziquantel on the part of doctors of some teams of the Program of Health of Famlia (PSF) of the Railroad Suburb. This index of cases in the quarter of Bartolomeu occurs for the socioeconmico degree of this population. The actions of control of esquistossomose come being adopted in systematic and including way since 1976, with specific medication availability, tolerated well, of easy administration and good esquistossomicida power (MS, 1977). Mainly based in the accomplishment of coproscpicos inquiries in the population of 7 the 14 years and selective chemotherapy (treatment of carriers in specific etria band) or in mass (treatment of carriers and familiar or, exactly, all the population), according to prevalence, the Special Program of Control of the Esquistossomose (Pece) the Northeast region had as area of with priority performance. The election of the pertaining to school etria band, must it the fact of that in this group the biggest prevalences and intensities of infection for the S are observed.

mansoni, in function of the biggest exposition to the hdricas collections contaminated by excrements (Barreto, 1987; Kloetzel, 1990). election of the pertaining to school etria band, must it the fact of that in this group the biggest prevalences and intensities of infection for the S are observed. mansoni, in function of the biggest exposition to the hdricas collections contaminated by excrements (Barreto, 1987; Kloetzel, 1990).


DIABETIC FOOT 1-CONCEPT: It is the set of occured alterations in the foot of the carrier of DM, decurrent of neuropatias, micron and macrovasculopatias and increase of the susceptibilidade the infection, which had to the biomechanic alterations, that take the deformities. The neuropatia leads to a insensibilidade, that is, to the loss of protective sensation e, subsequently, to the deformity of the foot, with the possibility to develop an abnormal march. 2-CLASSIFICATION: ) Neuropatias b) Angiopatia c) Infections 3-FATORES OF RISK) the Alterations of sanguine circulation b) inadequate Shoes c) stuck Nails d) Calosidade e) Fictions f) Deformities (joanetes, fingers in hammer form, overlapped and in claws, proeminence of heads of the metatarsos. 4-INSPECTION MONOFILAMENT: Nine points in region plantar and one in the dorsal one must be tested. In the region plantar: 1, 3 and 5 fingers; 1, 3 and 5 metatarsianos heads; lateral regions of the half foot and in dorsal region between 1 and 2 fingers. The incapacity of the patient to feel the filament of 10 g in four or more points, enters the ten tested points the protection absence in the feet.

As to use the monofilament: It shows to the filament to the patient and wall lamp it in its hand so that it recognizes the type of stimulaton. It requests the patient to keep the closed eyes during the test. It has asked for to the patient to give attention and simply to answer ' ' sim' ' when feeling the filament. When applying the monofilament, perpendicularly keeps it to the tested surface, a distance of 1-2 cm; with a soft movement, it makes to bend over itself it on the skin and removes it. The total duration of the procedure, the contact with the skin and the removal of the monofilament, does not have to exceed two seconds? If the monofilament to slide for the side, disrespects the eventual reply of the patient and has tested local the same again later? It uses a sequence to perhaps in the test places? Having ulceradas areas, necrticas, cicatriciais or hiperceratticas, it has tested perimeter of the same one? If the patient not to answer to the application of the determined filament in one local one, continues the fortuitous sequence and comes back later to that place to confirm.