Kettlebell-fans Gave Up The Ball

Active sports park Moers new offering who knows these images do not? On fairs, strong men have wielded heavy cannon balls with welded-on handle to demonstrate of their strength in the air. The Russian military took over this idea and put the bullets for the targeted weight training. This effective training way in us on the rise now. Kettlebell is to increase the strength, coordination, and body stabilization. And way to burned some calories during training.

Kettlebell is suitable as a form of training especially for people who want to achieve maximum performance and efficiency with minimal training effort,”white Rouven Mersni. The 22-year-old completed currently in active sports park Moers a training for sports and fitness merchant. A licensed kettlebell instructor, he knows of course further advantages. In addition to the general strengthening of the muscles is the training of complex patterns of movement in the foreground.”of course I can think of the ball before the home stereo system give,”says Sabine from Moers, who came for the first time to the kettlebells. In the group with like-minded people, it’s just much more fun. While I work out the dynamics of my moving Engen very effectively.

And it is also an excellent interval training for strength and endurance. Next time I’m back.” Operations Manager Monika Thiel is pleased with the success of the premiere event. We would like to expand the range. So far participants meet Wednesdays at 18:30. Probably there will be soon a second rate.

Is There A Life Beyond The Fifty?

Dozens who beyond the fifty by the economic crisis lost his job, has become invisible the labour market and the magic number 50 for the labour market. “Too young for retirement and too old for the employer”. So what is there? One moves into the no man’s land. Okay, one possibility would be there, it lays down the sofa and wait till you die (a very bad alternative, finally it’s still good). Or you tackle interesting topics with which it dealt extensively “the disenchantment with politics”.

There is otherwise nothing to do, write applications, which done nothing out man by the way …kommt anyway. So you start to thinking about his country and the deficits. You have so much time and reads the newspaper every day, although I must say, there will be a breakfast bad about the spiritual outpourings of our politicians. Every day a different moron schemes a new nonsense. “Heavy ster wave”, oh what he swung great speeches before the elections more gross from net. Well I didn’t notice his pink promise purely and nonetheless he’s doing mischief in addition to our beloved Angie (meant ironically). More and more we are driven to ruin and none in the country strorrts. Where are the good old days of 60ziger? We went there on the road and it was a demo after the other.

The population of Germany advocated for their rights and freedom. Have we become too tired and lazy, to fight for our ideals and future? As I said, magic, which makes’s a fifty is there if no jobs more there? You could engage in bank robberies, for example, or apply to the Talliban. Really blatantly, if you think about it, what everything leads if you have too much time left. I no longer keep still for my part and was the mouth, me too much trouble, but which is worth me when it comes to our children’s future and oppressed people. You can no longer put the head in the sand if you can see how to economize with our tax dollars. It There is the purest Verschendungssucht in the upper circles, billions are inserted in the foreign country and squandered and poverty widespread in his own country. And the hand is held up again, the new Sparpacket by Merkel is the sheer derision on every citizen of this country. “We all have to tighten again the belts”, I hear this hypocritical set it as long as I can think. Not are meant to the people upstairs, but once again, and just because they can not deal with money. Every German household earns his income for the month, with which he must do himself. Or not? So it should be in politics as are handled, once in a year there are public funds and with the must run werden…mehr does not exist. They draw further from the full, should be prevented. Our country representative, as they call themselves should be paid only after performance. The people are happy, he is rewarded for his good work. There is nothing that the people there’s only a Hartz IV set. So it educates children eventually also, so that they become to responsibility-conscious adults. Contribution to the think! Sonny Miller

Increase In Rent And Service Charge Settlement

Rent increases make right safe and properly settle have lettings tenant and landlord agreed a lease of the index, then they should keep the price index in the eye. The Federal Statistical Office in Wiesbaden calculated that monthly. Right now, where tenants are confronted with high arrears, it happens frequently that statements about lettings provided lawyers and tenant associations. The course will be set in the lease. Obtain rental housing are allowed only on the price index for the standard of living of all private households in Germany”. The increase in rent is calculated as follows: new index level: alter index level x 100-100 = percentage increase. Incidentally, if the index goes down, the tenant may require the reduction of rent in the same ratio.

However, landlords of a reduction can prevent easily. Like that which is possible for modernization and more works, as rent can be adjusted after rent prices or compare rental, more landlords in my landlord Guide Money with rent increases”, Thomas Trepnau, the experienced author and owner trainer. Landlords are often insecure, which operating costs to the tenant must be killed. Right now, where tenants are confronted with high arrears, it happens frequently that statements about lettings provided lawyers and tenant associations. Are the costs of rot or landlord legal expenses insurance levy-capable? Must assume the lessee the cost for the disposal of bulky waste.

Smallest defects often lead to long-term trouble. This can be avoided. The best protection is a correct statement. Read how that creates, in the just released, freshly printed new edition of my book with your tenants expect from! “Operating costs, the second rent”, as Thomas Trepnau, or visit my costs workshop. ” By Thomas Trepnau previously appeared: the secret of the damp wall reduction in rent ISBN 978-3-98-130490-9 more money with rent increases ISBN 978-3-98-130493-0 count off with your tenants! Operating costs, the second rent ISBN 978-3-00-031155-0 V.i.S.d.P and your contact person: Thomas Trepnau PO box 101028 93010 Regensburg E-Mail:

If One Day We Fall

If one day we fall, we are because we did not know well where we were stepping on. It is because we did not see the size of the hole our front. It is because we try (and this was an error only ours, of plus nobody) deceiving in them, decorating with flowers the places for where we pass, but that they do not make to florir nothing beyond anguish. If one day we fall, we are not because somebody knocked down in them, but mainly, because we ourselves we were the executioners of our fall. It does not have that to blame nobody, much less that to exempt of guilt some, but if one day we fall, is because we did not have solid bases to continue as we were. Today we are torn into pieces, to the cacos, to the prantos, in the darkness We are left, waiting one better hour to smile, one better skill to live, one another heart to love. We search in go for answers, but we fall without knowing to ask the certain questions. It is not simply questioning in them, ' ' why ns' '? But yes, we must ask, ' ' so that ns' '? If one day we fall we are because the life was in knocking down little by little, day the day, dying to the few, but renascendo of other forms (not as we needed, but as we could).

If one day we fall we are necessary one day to raise. Of the same skill not of? Then we move In the skill of speaking, in the way to look at, our distrust to feel (because we have distrust to even love again? to suffer to everything another time? We will not obtain to more aguentar the pain of the solitude that aches more to each fall). We change ours cut of hair and our attitudes in everything. Ours ' ' nos' ' they sound more bitter and perhaps therefore we hear little invitations and questions of the people From there it is the sensation to be disappointing the people who more we love in the life (of our skill? an imperfect feeling). At last If one day we caimos, we can we ourselves raising in them. In the multitude or the solitude With the word of the temptation or the salvation He depends on as we hear when we fall, or we feel when we try to raise

Key Something

During the past five years I spent part of my time to understand what they do most effective seducers to achieve the results that get and I discovered that despite superficial differences that exist between the gurus and super stars of seduction, basically there are similarities that are key to becoming a great seducer. In fact, if we go further down the rabbit-hole, we realize that all the people who are good at something they share certain characteristics that make them good that they do. This applies to many things, like walking, understand and talk. You see, the reason why I am talking about subliminal seduction and natural seduction in this article is because actually natural seducers, which are best seducers in the world, share something that has to do with the way they communicate. When you communicate in certain ways generate much more desire, and this has to do with the unconscious, for example, when you think of your desire to succeed with women and you amplificas that desire, you realize what are the elements that make you know that success with women is something you want if you compare that with something you are not interested really, for example to buy 300 trucks of ice cream. Note as the way in which yourself show it is different. There is the key to your power to create desire, which means that if you know how you intensificas your desire for what you have front, you can do the same with any woman having front and I guess you can imagine what result regular thing is that the human mind is very powerful but we use very little of its potential (scientists say we only use 5 %(, what I se is that many people not concerned with controlling your own mind). When they hear the term mind control, many people are frightened, as if were something bad to learn to control your own mind.

Windbreaker Jackets Are Perfect For The Transitional Period

Windbreaker jackets are used for optimum protection against too cold, wet and windy weather after the summer 2010 has ensured with its extreme heat that people as possible were wearing as little clothing on the body, consideration must be given to and of course a little in the fall. It is but still clearly too warm for proper winter jackets, and also in the normal winter clothes feel not really. Wind and rain make cold but often significantly for a simple T-Shirt. At this time, windbreaker jackets are the perfect complement to the other outfit. The windbreaker jackets are very thin and light and therefore hardly warm. The material is however from the outside water and wind resistant and thus protects against unpleasant autumn weather.

In contrast to the outside, the inside makes a small amount of liquid, so can, if it should start sometime under the jacket easy to sweat, sweat without problems after outside off. Earlier, many compared with the windbreaker jackets had the prejudice that it is is a pure commercial jacket and she has to offer nothing. A few years ago, the windbreaker jackets just fashionable got a completely new significance. Windreaker jackets were “cool” in a short time and the many different models designed a plethora of companies. Today there are windbreaker jackets from colorful to monochrome, shrill to dull and top modern old school. Well priced, the span has grown significantly. There are still windbreaker models for almost 20 euros, now there are also a large number of jackets that cost far beyond one hundred euro! Even if these models may be of the quality and or processing are a tad bit high, as at many fashion items, that the main factor of the price is the appropriate company name. But no matter whether you much or little money want to spend you can find fashionable Windreaker jackets that are optimal for the transitional periods in autumn and spring now in all price ranges.

12 Steps That You Should Follow In Your Pregnancy

12 Steps that you should follow in your pregnancy care during pregnancy are very important and must be guided by your doctor trust. The probability that you have a quiet and trouble-free pregnancy and a healthy baby will increase if you follow these simple recommendations that you show below: 1.Busca prenatal care from the outset is essential to you and your baby receive good prenatal care. In your first antenatal visit make you a series of tests to detect possible medical conditions that may complicate the pregnancy. If you have not yet chosen a doctor, don’t waste time. Meanwhile, if you are taking any kind of medication or if you have a health problem, reviews your ovulation calculator and call your doctor and let know you that you are pregnant. 2 Cares about your power now will need to consume more protein, as well as certain vitamins and minerals, folate (folic acid), iron, and calcium. But in what refers to calories, you just need to ingest 300 Extras each day, although it may seem little. You will need to avoid raw eggs and raw meats, soft Latin cheeses and juices unpasteurized, fish and seafood, as well as raw ham and luncheon meat to not ingest bacteria that could be harmful to your baby. aried view.

It also prevents certain types of fish that usually contain high levels of mercury and other pollutants. 3.Toma prenatal vitamin supplements in prenatal vitamins most will find more folate (folic acid) and iron than in common vitamin supplements. It is very important that you take the necessary amount of folic acid before conceiving and during the first months of pregnancy. Folic acid significantly reduces the risk that the baby can develop birth defects of the neural tube, such as spina bifida. Ideally, you should start to take 400 micrograms of folic acid daily for at least a month before you become pregnant.

Merited Retirement: The Good Old Light Bulb Say Goodbye

Until 2012 the incandescent is heard at gradually replaced the bulb soon the past! “This message caused confusion among many consumers. Which bulbs, professionally referred to as lamps, would now in their place appear, they wondered. The answer is: there is a quite wide range of lamps, which can serve as an alternative to the incandescent lamp. To deal with their advantages and disadvantages, therefore makes sense and can also save money. At first even a quick look back on the conventional incandescent lamp, also light bulb”called. Their abolition is considered, since the light bulb ban in force on 1 September 2009, done deal. But why is the probably most widely used lamp ever abolished? One reason for this is that the bulb is the temperature radiators.

This means: only 5% of the energy consumed by her beyond the other % 95 share in heat that can be wasted in light. The aim of the EU It’s now with the abolition of the energy-inefficient incandescent lamp to reduce CO2 to contribute. On the other hand you benefit have the bulb but its good color reproduction and its warm, pleasant light. Maybe a little unsettled by the prohibition on consumers can be helped however. As an energy-saving alternative to the incandescent, trade offered several types of lamps, e.g. energy-saving lamps, LED lamps or halogen lamps. Energy-saving lamps are available for several years.

It is their variety of brightness, shape and colour. A comparison with an ordinary incandescent lamp shows that an energy-saving lamp with the same lighting performance consumes up to 80% less energy and has a six times higher life span. A 12-Watt energy-saving lamp performance roughly equivalent to of a 60-watt light bulb. Also, LEDs, the light-emitting diodes, are a promising and highly efficient alternative to the incandescent lamp. Until in the 1990s into colour available only in yellow, red and green, are White high-power LEDs today an adequate replacement for the 40-watt bulb. LEDs to convince, in addition to their low power consumption, also by their long service life of up to 30 000 hours while the life of a conventional lamp about 1 000 hours. Compared to the light bulb, halogen lamps considered progress. Halogen gas increases their lifetime compared to a light bulb on twice. As a low-voltage and high-voltage version available, the halogen lamp impresses with its brilliant light. However her flowers anytime a similar fate as the bulb although it consumes up to 30% less energy. Halogen lamps are affected by the light bulb ban as follows: meet it not at least the energy efficiency class D, will be 2012 not to buy them. For more information, a wide range of lamps and luminaires, as well as a service-oriented advice, see

Medical Nutrition Department

Nutritional medicine in practice – digital current CD-ROM for prophylaxis and treatment of nutrition-related diseases, proven plant nutritional medicine in practice digital”appeared in the third edition on CD-ROM. The CD-ROM contains two programs, which greatly facilitate the dietary advice in practice. By the full-text search within the integrated, comprehensive about 5,200 pages electronic book, it is possible to find all sites on a particular topic quickly and clearly to enumerate. Also, some of the articles are linked to faster follow remarks or cross references. The second program on the CD-ROM is a dietary Assistant which can be used to the eating habits of patients collected and created a food log, and analyzed. That produces a comparison to the D-A-CH reference values with two different calculation tools, working program. The eBook shows the importance of nutrition in formation and progression of diseases and provides insights into customized therapies of nutritional medicine. It provides a unique overview of the very topical issue of nutrition”from a medical standpoint that so that the doctor or pharmacist in case competently and effectively can advise the patient.

The eBook is not a textbook, but a highly relevant reference without much chemistry and confusing exotic details. The plant is designed as a electronic version of the printed version for everyday use in the doctor’s Office. About the editor Prof. Dr. med. Habil. Elio Moti Sonnenfeld oftentimes addresses this issue.

OLAF Adam is metabolism and nutrition with a focus on physician and nutritionist. He was a long-time Director of the Medical Nutrition Department at the Ludwig-Maximilians Universitat (LMU) in Munich. He was previously city centre in Munich for many years senior physician at the medical clinic of the hospital. Prof. Adam is President of the German Academy for nutritional medicine since 2005 and is involved in numerous scientific associations, such as for example the German society for food or of the obesity society. He is editor and author of numerous publications and a frequent speaker in the country and abroad.

Skillfully Nutrition

“Self test of the Editorial Board that is pure investigative journalism: Michael Konig, editor-in-Chief of the magazine road”, the nutrition of Easyway tested sports for four weeks in a self-experiment. 30 days with the target a little bit to take off, he replaced normal meals with the nutrition. Not so easy when the own wife conjures up still delicious food. Michael Konig started with a body weight of 85.4 kg and documented his experiences with the easy way daily sports nutrition. The conclusion of the self test is positive in the end.

“” While his wife the astronaut powder “sceptical Michael Konig was positive on the second day of his own trial: the powder tastes and dissolves easily in milk.” “During his four-week trial with the nutrition of Easyway sports the editor-in-Chief of race put” so few kilometres of cycling back and stated, that is the shake wonderfully as an energy reservoir “is. So he could always on the routes that well between 95 and 180 kilometers long, its optimal performance and satisfied how fit feel. Elio Moti Sonnenfeld follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. To try out different variations of taste, Michael Konig replaced the normal cow’s milk to mix even soy milk with vanilla or chocolate taste. During the test phase, there were of course days no sporting activity, sometimes he was also the one or other culinary sin, but Michael Konig and large holding that I behave differently around the shake. Small chocolate sins fall me harder, but the one or the other dessert is ever.” Skillfully he withdrew himself attempting deception to his wife, who secretly wanted to mix Nutella him in the shake. The conclusion at the end of the self test positive: after four weeks with easy way sports is my weight basically remained the same. To be exact, I’m even 1.4 kilograms lighter. Best liked me, that easy way has distinguished sports from cycling as a perfect food basis.

A nice side-effect was that I me special meals have been in the Office or in the evening, because I do not wanted to screw up the positive effect of the diet I.” The complete article by Michael Konig is in the current race”1/2 2012 or. Learn more about the self test there is also on the blog by Easyway sports. (Image: Jurgen Amann) Company profile: EasyShare way GmbH, headquartered in Neuss is a manufacturer of quality nutrition, supplements, and high-performance drinks in the sports market. The company can look back on many years of experience in the pharmaceutical industry. Easyway sport characterized by particular expertise in the area of nutrient supply and is one of the specialists for weight & nutrition management. In 2010, Easyway sport for the first time developed a complete nutrition.